Details of this release are summarized here:
Release Notes - TBD

The reruns were in the queue for 4 days because of some slowness issues.
The core team (Neha, Radek, Laura, and others) are trying to narrow
down the root cause.

Seeking approvals/reviews for:

rados - Neha, Radek, Travis, Ernesto, Adam King (we still have to test
and merge at least one PR for
the core)
rgw - Casey
fs - Venky (the fs suite has an unusually high amount of failed jobs,
any reason to suspect it in the observed slowness?)
orch - Adam King
rbd - Ilya
krbd - Ilya
upgrade/octopus-x - Laura is looking into failures
upgrade/pacific-x - Laura is looking into failures
upgrade/quincy-p2p - Laura is looking into failures
client-upgrade-octopus-quincy-quincy - missing packages, Adam Kraitman
is looking into it
powercycle - Brad
ceph-volume - needs a rerun on merged

Please reply to this email with approval and/or trackers of known
issues/PRs to address them.

Also, share any findings or hypnosis about the slowness in the
execution of the suite.

Josh, Neha - gibba and LRC upgrades pending major suites approvals.
RC release - pending major suites approvals.

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