
A word of caution for Ceph operators out there. Be careful with "ceph osd primary-temp" command. TL;DR: with primary_temp active, a CRUSH change might CRASH your OSDs ... and they won't come back online after a restart (in almost all cases).

The bug is described in this tracker [1], and fixed with this PR [2] (thanks Igor!).

The longer story is that we were inspired by the work done on the read-balancer [3] and wondered if we could leverage this on older clusters. It turned out this is indeed possible by using the "primary-temp" command, instead of "pg-primary-temp" that will be available from Reef onward. We compiled a main version of the "osdmaptool", fed it OSD maps from pacific clusters and have it calculate the optimal primary PG distributions. Then we replaced the pg-primary-temp command with "primary-temp" and applied the commands. That worked as expected. However, we hit a bug [1] in the Ceph code that could not handle a situation when there were changes in the CRUSH map when primary_temp where active. We added a new storage node to the cluster that triggered this condition as soon as we put it in the proper failure domain. It tried to make an OSD primary that was not in the active set anymore, and hence crashed (with a Segmentation Fault most often, or aborted). This resulted in multiple (many) OSD crashes across the failure domains and basically took down the whole cluster.

If the Reef / main read-balancer code can suffer from the same bug is as of yet unknown (at least to us). We will try to build a Reef test cluster and find out.

For those of you who want to know how we handled this incident can read the RFO ([4] in dutch, [5] in English).

Gr. Stefan

[1]: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/59491?next_issue_id=59490
[2]: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/51160
[3]: https://github.com/ljflores/ceph_read_balancer_2023
[4]: https://www.bit.nl/uploads/images/PDF-Files/RFO-20230314-185335.pdf
[5]: https://www.bit.nl/uploads/images/PDF-Files/2023.04.20%20RFO_Ceph Cluster_185335_EN.pdf
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