Den ons 26 apr. 2023 kl 21:20 skrev Niklas Hambüchen <>:
> > 100MB/s is sequential, your scrubbing is random. afaik everything is random.
> Is there any docs that explain this, any code, or other definitive answer?
> Also wouldn't it make sense that for scrubbing to be able to read the disk 
> linearly, at least to some significant extent?

Scrubs only read data that does exist in ceph as it exists, not every
sector of the drive, written or not. This is why many small objects
make it look like MB/s is "low", it reads the objects and not just
dumb cylinder reads.

It is not the same as hw raid boxes doing "patrol reads" or what they
call it where they have no idea of what they are reading, just seeing
that the drives don't report errors.

This is more "pretend you are a ceph client with low priority reading
all the data from this PG from start to end".

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
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