Thanks for the reply.

"Refreshed" is "3 weeks ago" on most lines. The running mds and osd.cost_capacity are both "-" in this column.

I'm already done with "mgr fail", that didn't do anything. And I even tried a complete shut down during a maintenance windows that was not 3 weeks ago but last week.

So this doesn't seem to help. Thanks anyway. The only thing could be that the command was started by a systemd service again. But I can't imagine that.

On 04.05.23 15:05, Adam King wrote:
First thing I always check when it seems like orchestrator commands aren't doing anything is "ceph orch ps" and "ceph orch device ls" and check the REFRESHED column. If it's well above 10 minutes for orch ps or 30 minutes for orch device ls, then it means the orchestrator is most likely hanging on some command to refresh the host information. If that's the case, you can follow up with a "ceph mgr fail", wait a few minutes and check the orch ps and device ls REFRESHED column again. If only certain hosts are not having their daemon/device information refreshed, you can go to the hosts that aren't having their info refreshed and check for hanging "cephadm" commands (I just check for "ps aux | grep cephadm").

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:38 AM Thomas Widhalm < <>> wrote:


    I'm in the process of upgrading my cluster from 17.2.5 to 17.2.6 but
    following problem existed when I was still everywhere on 17.2.5 .

    I had a major issue in my cluster which could be solved with a lot of
    your help and even more trial and error. Right now it seems that
    most is
    already fixed but I can't rule out that there's still some problem
    hidden. The very issue I'm asking about started during the repair.

    When I want to orchestrate the cluster, it logs the command but it
    doesn't do anything. No matter if I use ceph dashboard or "ceph
    orch" in
    "cephadm shell". I don't get any error message when I try to deploy new
    services, redeploy them etc. The log only says "scheduled" and that's
    it. Same when I change placement rules. Usually I use tags. But since
    they don't work anymore, too, I tried host and umanaged. No success.
    only way I can actually start and stop containers is via systemctl from
    the host itself.

    When I run "ceph orch ls" or "ceph orch ps" I see services I deployed
    for testing being deleted (for weeks now). Ans especially a lot of old
    MDS are listed as "error" or "starting". The list doesn't match reality
    at all because I had to start them by hand.

    I tried "ceph mgr fail" and even a complete shutdown of the whole
    cluster with all nodes including all mgs, mds even osd - everything
    during a maintenance window. Didn't change anything.

    Could you help me? To be honest I'm still rather new to Ceph and
    since I
    didn't find anything in the logs that caught my eye I would be thankful
    for hints how to debug.

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