Hi Yuval,

Just a follow up on this.

An issue I’ve just resolved is getting scripts into the cephadm shell. As
it turns out - I didn’t know this be it seems the host file system is
mounted into the cephadm shell at /rootfs/.

So I've been editing a /tmp/preRequest.lua on my host and then running:

cephadm shell radosgw-admin script put --infile=/rootfs/tmp/preRequest.lua

This injects the lua script into the pre request context.


On Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 15:19, Thomas Bennett <tho...@tsolo.io> wrote:

> Hey Yuval,
> No problem. It was interesting to me to figure out how it all fits
> together and works.  Thanks for opening an issue on the tracker.
> Cheers,
> Tom
> On Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 15:03, Yuval Lifshitz <ylifs...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> Thanks for the detailed info!
>> RGW lua scripting was never tested in a cephadm deployment :-(
>> Opened a tracker: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/59574 to make sure
>> this would work out of the box.
>> Yuval
>> On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 10:25 PM Thomas Bennett <tho...@tsolo.io> wrote:
>>> Hi ceph users,
>>> I've been trying out the lua scripting for the rados gateway (thanks
>>> Yuval).
>>> As in my previous email I mentioned that there is an error when trying to
>>> load the luasocket module. However, I thought it was a good time to
>>> report
>>> on my progress.
>>> My 'hello world' example below is called *test.lua* below includes the
>>> following checks:
>>>    1. Can I write to the debug log?
>>>    2. Can I use the lua socket package to do something stupid but
>>>    intersting, like connect to a webservice?
>>> Before you continue reading this, you might need to know that I run all
>>> ceph processes in a *CentOS Stream release 8 *container deployed using
>>> ceph
>>> orchestrator running *Ceph v17.2.5*, so please view the information below
>>> in that context.
>>> For anyone looking for a reference, I suggest going to the ceph lua rados
>>> gateway documentation at radosgw/lua-scripting
>>> <https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/radosgw/lua-scripting/>.
>>> There are two new switches you need to know about in the radosgw-admin:
>>>    - *script* -> loading your lua script
>>>    - *script-package* -> loading supporting packages for your script -
>>> e.i.
>>>    luasocket in this case.
>>> For a basic setup, you'll need to have a few dependencies in your
>>> containers:
>>>    - cephadm container: requires luarocks (I've checked the code - it
>>> runs
>>>    a luarocks search command)
>>>    - radosgw container: requires luarocks, gcc, make,  m4, wget (wget
>>> just
>>>    in case).
>>> To achieve the above, I updated the container image for our running
>>> system.
>>> I needed to do this because I needed to redeploy the rados gateway
>>> container to inject the lua script packages into the radosgw runtime
>>> process. This will start with a fresh container based on the global
>>> config
>>> *container_image* setting on your running system.
>>> For us this is currently captured in *quay.io/tsolo/ceph:v17.2.5-3
>>> <http://quay.io/tsolo/ceph:v17.2.5-3>* and included the following exta
>>> steps (including installing the lua dev from an rpm because there is no
>>> centos package in yum):
>>> yum install luarocks gcc make wget m4
>>> rpm -i
>>> https://rpmfind.net/linux/centos/8-stream/PowerTools/x86_64/os/Packages/lua-devel-5.3.4-12.el8.x86_64.rpm
>>> You will notice that I've included a compiler and compiler support into
>>> the
>>> image. This is because luarocks on the radosgw to compile luasocket (the
>>> package I want to install). This will happen at start time when the
>>> radosgw
>>> is restarted from ceph orch.
>>> In the cephadm container I still need to update our cephadm shell so I
>>> need
>>> to install luarocks by hand:
>>> yum install luarocks
>>> Then set thew updated image to use:
>>> ceph config set global container_image quay.io/tsolo/ceph:v17.2.5-3
>>> I now create a file called: *test.lua* in the cephadm container. This
>>> contains the following lines to write to the log and then do a get
>>> request
>>> to google. This is not practical in production, but it serves the purpose
>>> of testing the infrastructure:
>>> RGWDebugLog("Tsolo start lua script")
>>> local LuaSocket = require("socket")
>>> client = LuaSocket.connect("google.com", 80)
>>> client:send("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: google.com\r\n\r\n")
>>> while true do
>>>   s, status, partial = client:receive('*a')
>>>   RGWDebugLog(s or partial)
>>>   if status == "closed" then
>>>     break
>>>   end
>>> end
>>> client:close()
>>> RGWDebugLog("Tsolo stop lua")
>>> Next I run:
>>> radosgw-admin script-package add --package=luasocket --allow-compilation
>>> And then list the added package to make sure it is there:
>>> radosgw-admin script-package list
>>> Note - at this point the radosgw has not been modified, it must first be
>>> restarted.
>>> Then I put the *test.lua *script into the pre request context:
>>> radosgw-admin script put --infile=test.lua --context=preRequest
>>> You also need to raise the debug log level on the running rados gateway:
>>> ceph daemon
>>> /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.rgw.xxx.xxx-cms1.xxxxx.x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.asok
>>> config set debug_rgw 20
>>> Inside the radosgw container I apply my fix (as per previous email):
>>> cp -ru /tmp/luarocks/client.rgw.xxxxxx.xxx-xxxx-xxxx.pcoulb/lib64/*
>>> /tmp/luarocks/client.rgw.xxxxxx.xxx-xxxx-xxxx.pcoulb/lib/
>>> Outside on the host running the radosgw-admin container I follow the
>>> journalctl for the radosgw container (to get the logs):
>>> journalctl -fu ceph-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx@rgw.
>>> xxx.xxx-cms1.xxxxx.x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.service
>>> Then I run an s3cmd to put data in via the rados gateway and check the
>>> journalctl logs and see:
>>> Apr 25 20:54:47 brp-ceph-cms1 radosgw[60901]: Lua INFO: Tsolo start lua
>>> Apr 25 20:54:47 brp-ceph-cms1 radosgw[60901]: Lua INFO: HTTP/1.0 301
>>> Moved
>>> Permanently
>>> Apr 25 20:54:47 brp-ceph-cms1 radosgw[60901]: Lua INFO:
>>> Apr 25 20:54:47 brp-ceph-cms1 radosgw[60901]: Lua INFO: Tsolo stop lua
>>> Apr 25 20:54:47 brp-ceph-cms1 radosgw[60901]: Lua INFO: Tsolo start lua
>>> Apr 25 20:54:48 brp-ceph-cms1 radosgw[60901]: Lua INFO: HTTP/1.0 301
>>> Moved
>>> Permanently
>>> Apr 25 20:54:48 brp-ceph-cms1 radosgw[60901]: Lua INFO:
>>> Apr 25 20:54:48 brp-ceph-cms1 radosgw[60901]: Lua INFO: Tsolo stop lua
>>> So the script worked :)
>>> If you want to see where the luarocks libraries have been installed,
>>> look
>>> in the /tmp/ directory of the radosgw container after you redeploy it and
>>> you will find the content in /tmp/luarocks.
>>> Conclusions:
>>> There was a bit to figure out to get this working, but now that I've got
>>> this simple test working I think there is a lot more to look into and
>>> discover and use w.r.t. this powerful tool.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tom
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