On 15/06/2023 15:46, Casey Bodley wrote:
   * In case of HTTP via headers like "X-Forwarded-For". This is
apparently supported only for logging the source in the "rgw ops log" ([1])?
Or is this info used also when evaluating the source IP condition within
a bucket policy?
yes, the aws:SourceIp condition key does use the value from
X-Forwarded-For when present

I have an HAProxy in front of the RGWs which has

"option forwardfor" setĀ  to add the "X-Forwarded-For" header.

Then the RGWs haveĀ  "rgw remote addr param = http_x_forwarded_for" set,
according to https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/radosgw/config-ref/#confval-rgw_remote_addr_param

and I also see remote_addr properly logged within the rgw ops log.

But when applying a bucket policy with aws:SourceIp it seems to only work if I set the internal IP of the HAProxy instance, not the public IP of the client.
So the actual remote address is NOT used in my case.

Did I miss any config setting anywhere?

Regards and thanks for your help


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