On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 1:11 PM Jayanth Reddy
<jayanthreddy5...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> I've been experimenting with RGW encryption and found this out.
> Focusing on Quincy and Reef dev, for the SSE (any methods) to work, transit
> has to be end to end encrypted, however if there is a proxy, then [1] can
> be made use to tell RGW that SSL is being terminated. As per docs, RGW can
> still continue to accept SSE if rgw_crypt_require_ssl is set to false as an
> overriding item for the requirement of encryption in transit. Below are my
> observations.
> Until v17.2.3 (
> quay.io/ceph/ceph@sha256:43f6e905f3e34abe4adbc9042b9d6f6b625dee8fa8d93c2bae53fa9b61c3df1a),
> setting the same key as in [2], would show the object unreadable when
> copied using
> # rados -p default.rgw.buckets.data get
> 03c2ef32-b7c8-4e18-8e0c-ebac10a42f10.17254.1_file.plain file.enc
> The object would be unreadable. The original object is in plain text.
> Ofcourse, with rgw_crypt_require_ssl to false or [1]
> However, starting with v17.2.4 onwards and even until my recent testing
> with reef-dev (18.0.0-4353-g1e3835ab
> 1e3835abb2d19ce6ac4149c260ef804f1041d751)
> When I try getting the same object onto the disk using rados command, the
> object (contains plain text) would still be readable.
> Has something changed since v17.2.4? I'll also test with Pacific and let
> you know. Not sure if it affects other SSE mechanisms as well.
> [1]
> https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/radosgw/config-ref/#confval-rgw_trust_forwarded_https
> [2]
> https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/radosgw/encryption/#automatic-encryption-for-testing-only
> Thanks,
> Jayanth Reddy
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hi Jayanth,

17.2.4 coincides with backports of the SSE-S3 and PutBucketEncryption
features. those changes include a regression where the
rgw_crypt_default_encryption_key configurable no longer applies. you
can track the fix for this in https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/61473
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