
After adding a node to the cluster (3 nodes) with cephadm, how do I add OSDs 
with the same configuration on the other nodes ?
The other nodes have
12 drives for data osd-block AND 2 drives for wal osd-wal. There are 6 LVs in 
each wal disk for the 12 data drives.
I have added the ODS with
                   ceph orch daemon add osd hostname:/dev/nvme0n1

How do I attach the wal devices to the OSDs?
I have the WAL volumes created
                      259:5    0 349.3G  0 disk
   253:12   0  58.2G  0 lvm
   253:13   0  58.2G  0 lvm
   253:14   0  58.2G  0 lvm
   253:15   0  58.2G  0 lvm
   253:16   0  58.2G  0 lvm
   253:17   0  58.2G  0 lvm

How do I attach the wal volumes to the OSDs

osd.36 nvme0n1  259:1    0   5.8T  0 disk   
 253:0    0   5.8T  0 lvm
Osd.37 nvme1n1  259:3    0   5.8T  0 disk   
 253:1    0   5.8T  0 lvm

Thank you,


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