Thanks Anthony for your knowledge.

I am very happy

Vào Th 7, 13 thg 1, 2024 vào lúc 23:36 Anthony D'Atri <> đã viết:

> There are nuances, but in general the higher the sum of m+k, the lower the
> performance, because *every* operation has to hit that many drives, which
> is especially impactful with HDDs.  So there’s a tradeoff between storage
> efficiency and performance.  And as you’ve seen, larger parity groups
> especially mean slower recovery/backfill.
> There’s also a modest benefit to choosing values of m and k that have
> small prime factors, but I wouldn’t worry too much about that.
> You can find EC efficiency tables on the net:
> I should really add a table to the docs, making a note to do that.
> There’s a nice calculator at the OSNEXUS site:
> Ceph Designer <>
> <>
> [image: favicon.ico] <>
> <>
> The overhead factor is (k+m) / k
> So for a 4,2 profile, that’s 6 / 4 == 1.5
> For 6,2, 8 / 6 = 1.33
> For 10,2, 12 / 10 = 1.2
> and so forth.  As k increases, the incremental efficiency gain sees
> diminishing returns, but performance continues to decrease.
> Think of m as the number of copies you can lose without losing data, and
> m-1 as the number you can lose / have down and still have data *available*.
> I also suggest that the number of failure domains — in your cases this
> means OSD nodes — be *at least* k+m+1, so in your case you want k+m to be
> at most 9.
> With RBD and many CephFS implementations, we mostly have relatively large
> RADOS objects that are striped over many OSDs.
> When using RGW especially, one should attend to average and median S3
> object size.  There’s an analysis of the potential for space amplification
> in the docs so I won’t repeat it here in detail. This sheet
>  visually
> demonstrates this.
> Basically, for an RGW bucket pool — or for a CephFS data pool storing
> unusually small objects — if you have a lot of S3 objects in the multiples
> of KB size, you waste a significant fraction of underlying storage.  This
> is exacerbated by EC, and the larger the sum of k+m, the more waste.
> When people ask me about replication vs EC and EC profile, the first
> question I ask is what they’re storing.  When EC isn’t a non-starter, I
> tend to recommend 4,2 as a profile until / unless someone has specific
> needs and can understand the tradeoffs. This lets you store ~~ 2x the data
> of 3x replication while not going overboard on the performance hit.
> If you care about your data, do not set m=1.
> If you need to survive the loss of many drives, say if your cluster is
> across multiple buildings or sites, choose a larger value of k.  There are
> people running profiles like 4,6 because they have unusual and specific
> needs.
> On Jan 13, 2024, at 10:32 AM, Phong Tran Thanh <>
> wrote:
> Hi ceph user!
> I need to determine which erasure code values (k and m) to choose for a
> Ceph cluster with 10 nodes.
> I am using the reef version with rbd. Furthermore, when using a larger k,
> for example, ec6+2 and ec4+2, which erasure coding performance is better,
> and what are the criteria for choosing the appropriate erasure coding?
> Please help me
> Email:
> Skype: tranphong079
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Trân trọng,

*Tran Thanh Phong*

Skype: tranphong079

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