Le 24/01/2024 à 10:23:20+0100, David C. a écrit

> In this scenario, it is more consistent to work with subvolumes.

Ok. I will do that. 

> Regarding security, you can use namespaces to isolate access at the OSD level.

Hum....I'm currently have no idea what you just say.... but that's OK ;-)

> What Robert emphasizes is that creating pools dynamically is not without 
> effect
> on the number of PGs and (therefore) on the architecture (PG per OSD, 
> balancer,
> pg autoscaling, etc.)

Ok.....no worries....I didn't know it was possible....;-)


Albert SHIH 🦫 🐸
Heure locale/Local time:
mer. 24 janv. 2024 10:31:44 CET
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