Well, at least on my RHEL Ceph cluster, turns out zabbix-sender,
zabbix-agent, etc aren't in the container image. Doesn't explain why it
didn't work with the Debian/proxmox version, but *shrug*.

It appears there is no interest in adding them back in, per:

As such, may I recommend marking the Ceph documentation to this effect?
Possibly referring to Zabbix instructions with Agent 2?

On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 7:04 PM John Jasen <jja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If the documentation is to be believed, it's just install the zabbix
> sender, then;
> ceph mgr module enable zabbix
> ceph zabbix config-set zabbix_host my-zabbix-server
> (Optional) Set the identifier to the fsid.
> And poof. I should now have a discovered entity on my zabbix server to add
> templates to.
> However, this has not worked yet on either of my ceph clusters (one RHEL,
> one proxmox).
> Reference: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/mgr/zabbix/
> On Reddit advice, I installed the Ceph templates for Zabbix.
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/ceph/master/src/pybind/mgr/zabbix/zabbix_template.xml
> Still no dice.  No traffic at all seems to be generated, that I've seen
> from packet traces,
> ... OK.
> I su'ed to the ceph user on both clusters, and ran zabbix_send:
> zabbix_sender -v -z -s "$my_fsid" -k ceph.osd_avg_pgs -o 1
> Response from "": "processed: 1; failed: 0; total: 1;
> seconds spent: 0.000042"
> sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1
> As the ceph user, ceph zabbix send/discovery still fail.
> I am officially stumped.
> Any ideas as to which tree I should be barking up?
> Thanks in advance!
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