This is a ymmv thing, it depends on one's workload.

> However, we have some questions about this and are looking for some guidance 
> and advice.
> The first one is about the expected benefits. Before we undergo the efforts 
> involved in the transition, we are wondering if it is even worth it.

My personal sense is that it often isn't.  It adds a lot of complexity for OSD 
lifecycle.  I suspect there are many sites where if an OSD drive is replaced, 
it gets rebuilt without the external WAL/DB.

This is one of the reasons that HDDs are a false economy.

> How much of a performance boost one can expect when adding NVMe SSDs for 
> WAL-devices to an HDD cluster? Plus, how much faster than that does it get 
> with the DB also being on SSD. Are there rule-of-thumb number of that? Or 
> maybe someone has done benchmarks in the past?

Very workload-dependent.  My limited understanding is that the WAL on faster 
storage only gets used for small writes, ones smaller than the deferred 
setting, which I think defaults to min_alloc_size.  So maybe for a DB workload 
that does very small random overwrites?

> The second question is of more practical nature. Are there any best-practices 
> on how to implement this? I was thinking we won't do one SSD per HDD - surely 
> an NVMe SSD is plenty fast to handle the traffic from multiple OSDs. But what 
> is a good ratio? Do I have one NVMe SSD per 4 HDDs? Per 6 or even 8?

There was once the rule of thumb of 4 SATA HDDs per SATA SSD, 10 SATA HDDs per 
NVMe SSD.  There isn't a hard line in the sand.  The ratio is enforced in part 
by the chassis in use.

> Also, how should I chop-up the SSD, using partitions or using LVM? Last but 
> not least, if I have one SSD handle WAL and DB for multiple OSDs, losing that 
> SSD means losing multiple OSDs. How do people deal with this risk? Is it 
> generally deemed acceptable or is this something people tend to mitigate and 
> if so how? Do I run multiple SSDs in RAID?
> I do realize that for some of these, there might not be the one perfect 
> answer that fits all use cases. I am looking for best practices and in 
> general just trying to avoid any obvious mistakes.

This is one of the reasons why I counsel people to consider TCO -- and source 
hardware effectively -- so they don't get stuck with HDDs.

> Any advice is much appreciated.
> Sincerely
> Niklaus Hofer
> -- 
> stepping stone AG
> Wasserwerkgasse 7
> CH-3011 Bern
> Telefon: +41 31 332 53 63
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