Can you please paste the output of the following command?

ceph orch host ls

Zitat von "Roberto Maggi @ Debian" <>:

Hi you all,

it is a couple of days I'm facing this problem.

Although I already destroyed the cluster a couple of times I continuously get these error

I instruct ceph to place 3 daemons

ceph orch apply mgr 3 --placement="cephstage01:,cephstage02:,cephstage03:"


root@cephstage01:/# ceph -s
    id:     0827effc-302a-45a6-bb97-758d2a9e6835
    health: HEALTH_ERR
            Failed to apply 6 service(s): alertmanager,grafana,mgr,mon,node-exporter,prometheus
            failed to probe daemons or devices
            2 mgr modules have failed
            1 mgr modules have recently crashed
            OSD count 0 < osd_pool_default_size 3

    mon: 2 daemons, quorum cephstage01,cephstagedatanode01 (age 21m)
    mgr: cephstage01.ukwnlo(active, since 5h), standbys: cephstagedatanode01.vqbwbz
    osd: 0

root@cephstage01:/# ceph orch ls --service_name mgr --format yaml
service_type: mgr
service_name: mgr
  - cephstage01:
  - cephstage02:
  - cephstage03:
  created: '2024-05-02T13:52:41.346547Z'
  last_refresh: '2024-05-02T14:06:31.823024Z'
  running: 2
  size: 1
- 2024-05-02T13:51:49.993145Z service:mgr [INFO] "service was created"
- '2024-05-02T13:53:45.566950Z service:mgr [ERROR] "Failed to apply: Cannot place   <ServiceSpec for service_name=mgr> on cephstage02, cephstage03: Unknown hosts"'

and when I check those hosts

root@cephstage01:/# ceph cephadm check-host cephstage03
cephstage03 (None) ok
docker (/usr/bin/docker) is present
systemctl is present
lvcreate is present
Unit chrony.service is enabled and running
Hostname "cephstage03" matches what is expected.
Host looks OK

they look fine.

every time I recreate the cluster it gives me the same errors: does anybody have any idea?

thanks in advance

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