Hey Nicola,

Try mounting cephfs with fuse instead of kernel, we have seen before sometimes 
the kernel mount does not properly support that option but the fuse mount does.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicola Mori <m...@fi.infn.it>
> Sent: May 15, 2024 7:55 AM
> To: ceph-users <ceph-users@ceph.io>
> Subject: [ceph-users] Write issues on CephFS mounted with root_squash
> Dear Ceph users,
> I'm trying to export a CephFS with the root_squash option. This is the client
> configuration:
> client.wizardfs_rootsquash
>          key: XXXXXXXXXXXX
>          caps: [mds] allow rw fsname=wizardfs root_squash
>          caps: [mon] allow r fsname=wizardfs
>          caps: [osd] allow rw tag cephfs data=wizardfs
> I can mount it flawlessly on several machines using the kernel driver, but
> when a machine writes on it then the content seems fine from the writing
> machine but it's not actually written on disk since other machines just see an
> empty file:
> [12:43 mori@stryke ~]$ echo test > /wizard/ceph/software/el9/test
> [12:43 mori@stryke ~]$ ll /wizard/ceph/software/el9/test
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mori wizard 5 mag 15 12:43 /wizard/ceph/software/el9/test
> [12:43 mori@stryke ~]$ cat /wizard/ceph/software/el9/test test
> [12:43 mori@stryke ~]$
> [mori@fili ~]$ ll /wizard/ceph/software/el9/test -rw-r--r--. 1 mori 1014 0 May
> 15 06:43 /wizard/ceph/software/el9/test [mori@fili ~]$ cat
> /wizard/ceph/software/el9/test [mori@fili ~]$
> Unmounting and then remounting on "stryke" the file is seen as empty, so I
> guess that the content shown just after the write is only a cache effect and
> nothing is effectively written on disk. I checked the posix permissions on the
> folder and I have rw rights from both the machines.
> All of the above using Ceph 18.2.2 on the cluster (deployed with
> cephadm) and both the machines. Machine "fili" has kernel 5.14.0 while
> "stryke" has 6.8.9. The same issue happens consistently also in the reverse
> direction (writing from "fili" and reading from "stryke"), and also with other
> machines.
> Removing the squash_root option the problem vanishes.
> I don't know what might

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