Hi Sage,

On 25 July 2013 17:21, Sage Weil <s...@inktank.com> wrote:
> I suspect the difference here is that the dns names you are specifying in
> ceph-deploy new do not match.

Aha, this could well be the problem. The current DNS names resolve to
the address bound to an interface that is intended to be used mostly
for things like monitoring and SSH, not the actual storage. There is a
separate subnet for the hypervisors to talk to the cluster on (i.e.
what Ceph considers the "public network"), and one for the OSDs to
talk about OSD stuff on ("cluster network").

> Are you adjusting the 'mon host' line in
> ceph.conf?  Note that you can specify a fqdn to ceph-deploy new and it
> will take the first name to be the hostname, or you can specify
> 'ceph-deploy new name:fqdn_or_ip'.

I had been changing the "mon host" line to the current "public
network" IP addresses; re-running "ceph-deploy new" with the "public
network" IPs generates an identical config file (as far as I can tell)
and still fails with the same assertion failure.

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