
from now I have 5 monitors which share slow SSD with several OSD
journal. As a result, each data migration operation (reweight, recovery,
etc) is very slow and the cluster is near down.

So I have to change that. I'm looking to replace this 5 monitors by 3
new monitors, which still share (very fast) SSD with several OSD.
I suppose it's not a good idea, since monitors should have a dedicated
storage. What do you think about that ?
Is it a better practice to have dedicated storage, but share CPU with
Xen VM ?

Second point, I'm not sure how to do that migration, without downtime.
I was hoping to add the 3 new monitors, then progressively remove the 5
old monitors, but in the doc [1] indicate a special procedure for
unhealthy cluster, which seem to be for clusters with damaged monitors,
right ? In my case I only have dead PG [2] (#5226), from which I can't
recover, but monitors are fine. Can I use the standard procedure ?


[2] http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/5226

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