I've had a tremendous difficultly using S3 command when using RGW. I've
successfully used an older php client, but not s3cmd. For the moment, we're
no longer using s3cmd with RGW, because it simply doesn't seem to work,
other than for listing buckets.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:52 AM, debian Only <onlydeb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i have test, meet same issue on Wheezy and Ubuntu12.04 with Ceph0.80.5 too.
> it can be sucessful when use :
> radosgw-admin user create --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --display-name="Test
> User One" --key-type=swift --access=full
> and it will create correct swift user in Pool .users.swift
> > # rados ls -p .users.swift
> >
> > testuser:swf0001
> and can use the swift user:  testuser:swf0001  to access the rados gateway
> root@ceph-radosgw:~# curl -v -i -X GET -H
> "X-Auth-User:testuser:swf0001" -H
> "X-Auth-Key:r4sHbFyF0A5tE1mW+GSMYovwkNdoqS/nP8rd1UGO"
> * About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
> *   Trying
> * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> > GET /auth HTTP/1.1
> > User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> > Host:
> > Accept: */*
> > X-Auth-User:testuser:swf0001
> > X-Auth-Key:r4sHbFyF0A5tE1mW+GSMYovwkNdoqS/nP8rd1UGO
> >
> < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
> HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
> < Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:32:34 GMT
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:32:34 GMT
> < Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
> Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
> < X-Storage-Url:
> X-Storage-Url:
> < X-Storage-Token:
> AUTH_rgwtk1000000074657374757365723a737766303030317f6874150b34862d0277eb5328350129e54690fff014e8a758339af7dc34d895ab6061b9
> X-Storage-Token:
> AUTH_rgwtk1000000074657374757365723a737766303030317f6874150b34862d0277eb5328350129e54690fff014e8a758339af7dc34d895ab6061b9
> < X-Auth-Token:
> AUTH_rgwtk1000000074657374757365723a737766303030317f6874150b34862d0277eb5328350129e54690fff014e8a758339af7dc34d895ab6061b9
> X-Auth-Token:
> AUTH_rgwtk1000000074657374757365723a737766303030317f6874150b34862d0277eb5328350129e54690fff014e8a758339af7dc34d895ab6061b9
> < Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Type: application/json
> <
> * Connection #0 to host left intact
> in my environment, johndoe:swift not in the .users.swift pool.   i can use
> test s3cmd   successfully with
> user: johndoe,
> access key: UGM3MB541JI0WG3WJIZ7
> secret: gL2txO+bQ3kEdYmqwR9YXYcO0O1gXFXX/+/kdh8Q
> due to the issue can not create swift subuser key normally .  rados
> gateway can not use normally.
> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/9002
> 2014-08-12 17:34 GMT+07:00 debian Only <onlydeb...@gmail.com>:
> ##### my Trouble shooting  #####
>> when i try use s3cmd to check ,  use user johndoe i created.  it can
>> create bucket.
>> ###########################
>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# more .s3cfg
>> [default]
>> access_key = UGM3MB541JI0WG3WJIZ7
>> bucket_location = US
>> cloudfront_host = cloudfront.amazonaws.com
>> default_mime_type = binary/octet-stream
>> delete_removed = False
>> dry_run = False
>> enable_multipart = True
>> encoding = UTF-8
>> encrypt = False
>> follow_symlinks = False
>> force = False
>> get_continue = False
>> gpg_command = /usr/bin/gpg
>> gpg_decrypt = %(gpg_command)s -d --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes
>> --passph
>> rase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s
>> gpg_encrypt = %(gpg_command)s -c --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes
>> --passph
>> rase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s
>> gpg_passphrase =
>> guess_mime_type = True
>> host_base = ceph-radosgw.lab.com
>> host_bucket = %(bucket)s.ceph-radosgw.lab.com
>> human_readable_sizes = False
>> invalidate_on_cf = False
>> list_md5 = False
>> log_target_prefix =
>> mime_type =
>> multipart_chunk_size_mb = 15
>> preserve_attrs = True
>> progress_meter = True
>> proxy_host =
>> proxy_port = 0
>> recursive = False
>> recv_chunk = 4096
>> reduced_redundancy = False
>> secret_key = gL2txO+bQ3kEdYmqwR9YXYcO0O1gXFXX/+/kdh8Q
>> send_chunk = 4096
>> simpledb_host = sdb.amazonaws.com
>> skip_existing = False
>> socket_timeout = 300
>> urlencoding_mode = normal
>> use_https = False
>> verbosity = WARNING
>> website_endpoint = http://%(bucket)s.s3-website-%(location)
>> s.amazonaws.com/
>> website_error =
>> website_index = index.html
>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# vi .s3cfg
>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# s3cmd ls
>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# s3cmd mb s3://foo
>> Bucket 's3://foo/' created
>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# s3cmd ls
>> 2014-08-12 10:10  s3://foo
>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin metadata list bucket
>>   [
>>     "foo"]
>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin bucket link --bucket=foo --uid=johndoe
>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket=foo
>> { "bucket": "foo",
>>   "pool": ".rgw.buckets",
>>   "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",
>>   "id": "default.441498.1",
>>   "marker": "default.441498.1",
>>   "owner": "johndoe",
>>   "ver": 1,
>>   "master_ver": 0,
>>   "mtime": 1407839163,
>>   "max_marker": "",
>>   "usage": {},
>>   "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>       "max_objects": -1}}
>> 2014-08-12 16:24 GMT+07:00 debian Only <onlydeb...@gmail.com>:
>>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user create --uid="testuser"
>>> --display-name="First User"
>>> { "user_id": "testuser",
>>>   "display_name": "First User",
>>>   "email": "",
>>>   "suspended": 0,
>>>   "max_buckets": 1000,
>>>   "auid": 0,
>>>   "subusers": [],
>>>   "keys": [
>>>         { "user": "testuser",
>>>           "access_key": "1YKSB0M9BOJZ23BV2VKB",
>>>           "secret_key": "JUR2FBZyYbfITVfW+mtcqRzmV879OzSDkIgbjqQi"}],
>>>    "swift_keys": [],
>>>   "caps": [],
>>>   "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
>>>   "default_placement": "",
>>>   "placement_tags": [],
>>>   "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>       "max_objects": -1},
>>>   "user_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>       "max_objects": -1},
>>>   "temp_url_keys": []}
>>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=testuser
>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --access=full
>>> { "user_id": "testuser",
>>>   "display_name": "First User",
>>>   "email": "",
>>>   "suspended": 0,
>>>   "max_buckets": 1000,
>>>   "auid": 0,
>>>   "subusers": [
>>>         { "id": "testuser:swf0001",
>>>           "permissions": "full-control"}],
>>>   "keys": [
>>>         { "user": "testuser",
>>>           "access_key": "1YKSB0M9BOJZ23BV2VKB",
>>>           "secret_key": "JUR2FBZyYbfITVfW+mtcqRzmV879OzSDkIgbjqQi"},
>>>         { "user": "testuser:swf0001",
>>>           "access_key": "WL058L93OWMSB3XCM0TJ",
>>>           "secret_key": ""}],
>>>   "swift_keys": [],
>>>   "caps": [],
>>>   "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
>>>   "default_placement": "",
>>>   "placement_tags": [],
>>>   "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>       "max_objects": -1},
>>>   "user_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>       "max_objects": -1},
>>>   "temp_url_keys": []}
>>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin key create
>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --key-type=swift --gen-secret
>>> could not create key: unable to add access key, unable to store user info
>>> 2014-08-12 02:21:04.463267 7f64b9e48780  0 WARNING: can't store user
>>> info, swift id () already mapped to another user (testuser)
>>> ###
>>>  then i use another way to create key for testuser:swf0001   . can not
>>> remove key
>>> ####
>>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user rm --uid=testuser
>>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user create
>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --display-name="Test User One" --key-type=swift
>>> --access=full
>>> { "user_id": "testuser",
>>>   "display_name": "Test User One",
>>>   "email": "",
>>>   "suspended": 0,
>>>   "max_buckets": 1000,
>>>   "auid": 0,
>>>   "subusers": [],
>>>   "keys": [],
>>>   "swift_keys": [
>>>         { "user": "testuser:swf0001",
>>>           "secret_key": "JOgJ+XKcD68Zozs7v2cAaCorRFnZEBG4SwdUnuo8"}],
>>>   "caps": [],
>>>   "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
>>>   "default_placement": "",
>>>   "placement_tags": [],
>>>   "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>       "max_objects": -1},
>>>   "user_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>       "max_objects": -1},
>>>   "temp_url_keys": []}
>>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin key rm --uid=testuser:swf0001
>>>          could not remove key: unable to parse request, user info was not
>>> populated
>>> root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin key create
>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --key-type=swift --gen-secret
>>> { "user_id": "testuser",
>>>   "display_name": "Test User One",
>>>   "email": "",
>>>   "suspended": 0,
>>>   "max_buckets": 1000,
>>>   "auid": 0,
>>>   "subusers": [],
>>>   "keys": [],
>>>   "swift_keys": [
>>>         { "user": "testuser:swf0001",
>>>           "secret_key": "r4sHbFyF0A5tE1mW+GSMYovwkNdoqS\/nP8rd1UGO"}],
>>>   "caps": [],
>>>   "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
>>>   "default_placement": "",
>>>   "placement_tags": [],
>>>   "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>       "max_objects": -1},
>>>   "user_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>       "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>       "max_objects": -1},
>>>   "temp_url_keys": []}
>>> 2014-08-12 15:52 GMT+07:00 Karan Singh <karan.si...@csc.fi>:
>>>> For your item number 3 , can you try :
>>>>    - Removing the keys for sub user  ( testuser:swf0001 )
>>>>    - Once Key is removed for sub user ,  try recreating the key  [ #
>>>>    radosgw-admin key create --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --key-type=swift
>>>>    --gen-secret ]
>>>> - Karan -
>>>> On 12 Aug 2014, at 11:26, debian Only <onlydeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear all
>>>> i have meet some issue when access radosgw.
>>>> Fobidden 403 and fail to create subuser key when use radosgw
>>>> ceph version 0.80.5(ceph osd, radosgw), OS Wheezy
>>>> (1) Reference of installation
>>>> http://ceph.com/docs/master/radosgw/config/#configuring-print-continue
>>>> (2) Config File
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# more /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
>>>>     [global]
>>>>     fsid = ae3da4d2-eef0-47cf-a872-24df8f2c8df4
>>>>     mon_initial_members = ceph01-vm
>>>>     mon_host =
>>>>     auth_cluster_required = cephx
>>>>     auth_service_required = cephx
>>>>     auth_client_required = cephx
>>>>     filestore_xattr_use_omap = true
>>>>     rgw print continue = false
>>>>     rgw dns name = ceph-radosgw
>>>>     debug rgw = 20
>>>>     [client.radosgw.gateway]
>>>>     host = ceph-radosgw
>>>>     keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring
>>>>     rgw socket path = /var/run/ceph/ceph.radosgw.gateway.fastcgi.sock
>>>>     log file = /var/log/ceph/client.radosgw.gateway.log
>>>>     root@ceph-admin:~# rados lspools
>>>>      data
>>>>      metadata
>>>>      rbd
>>>>      testpool
>>>>      iscsi
>>>>      pool-A
>>>>      pool-B
>>>>      iscsi_pool
>>>>      .rgw.root
>>>>      .rgw.control
>>>>      .rgw
>>>>      .rgw.gc
>>>>      .users.uid
>>>>      .users
>>>>      .users.swift
>>>>      .users.email
>>>>      .rgw.buckets
>>>>      .rgw.buckets.index
>>>>      .log
>>>>      .intent-log
>>>>      .usage
>>>>  when access radosgw, seam ok
>>>>     <ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="
>>>> http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/";>
>>>>    <Owner>
>>>>    <ID>anonymous</ID>
>>>>    <DisplayName/>
>>>>    </Owner>
>>>>    <Buckets/>
>>>>    </ListAllMyBucketsResult>
>>>> (3) error meet when create radosgw user(swift) and gen-key
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user create --uid="testuser"
>>>> --display-nameFirst User"
>>>>     { "user_id": "testuser",
>>>>       "display_name": "First User",
>>>>       "email": "",
>>>>       "suspended": 0,
>>>>       "max_buckets": 1000,
>>>>       "auid": 0,
>>>>       "subusers": [],
>>>>       "keys": [
>>>>             { "user": "testuser",
>>>>               "access_key": "SU3L3KCDXQ31KJ6BZ04B",
>>>>               "secret_key":
>>>> "nhA2XNsqwJN8bZlkOEd2UyexMADC9THOhc7UmW4l"}],
>>>>       "swift_keys": [],
>>>>       "caps": [],
>>>>       "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
>>>>       "default_placement": "",
>>>>       "placement_tags": [],
>>>>       "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>>           "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>>           "max_objects": -1},
>>>>       "user_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>>           "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>>           "max_objects": -1},
>>>>       "temp_url_keys": []}
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin usage show
>>>> --show-log-entries=false
>>>>     { "summary": []}root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user create
>>>> --uid="testuser" First User"^Ce="F
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=testuser
>>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --access=full
>>>>     { "user_id": "testuser",
>>>>       "display_name": "First User",
>>>>       "email": "",
>>>>       "suspended": 0,
>>>>       "max_buckets": 1000,
>>>>       "auid": 0,
>>>>       "subusers": [
>>>>             { "id": "testuser:swf0001",
>>>>               "permissions": "full-control"}],
>>>>       "keys": [
>>>>             { "user": "testuser:swf0001",
>>>>               "access_key": "9IN7P6HA6K4JCDO61N67",
>>>>               "secret_key": ""},
>>>>             { "user": "testuser",
>>>>               "access_key": "SU3L3KCDXQ31KJ6BZ04B",
>>>>               "secret_key":
>>>> "nhA2XNsqwJN8bZlkOEd2UyexMADC9THOhc7UmW4l"}],
>>>>       "swift_keys": [],
>>>>       "caps": [],
>>>>       "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
>>>>       "default_placement": "",
>>>>       "placement_tags": [],
>>>>       "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>>           "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>>           "max_objects": -1},
>>>>       "user_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>>           "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>>           "max_objects": -1},
>>>>       "temp_url_keys": []}
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin key create
>>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --key-type=swift --gen-secret
>>>>     could not create key: unable to add access key, unable to store
>>>> user info
>>>>     2014-08-11 19:56:35.834507 7f4c4f1af780  0 WARNING: can't store
>>>> user info, swift id () already mapped to another user (testuser)
>>>>     (find it maybe bug ,  http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/9002)
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user create
>>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --display-name="Test User One" --key-type=swift
>>>> --access=full
>>>>     could not create user: unable to create user, user: testuser exists
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user create
>>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --display-name="Test User One" --key-type=swift
>>>> --access=full
>>>>     could not create user: unable to create user, user: testuser exists
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user rm --uid=testuser
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin user create
>>>> --subuser=testuser:swf0001 --display-name="Test User One" --key-type=swift
>>>> --access=full
>>>>     { "user_id": "testuser",
>>>>       "display_name": "Test User One",
>>>>       "email": "",
>>>>       "suspended": 0,
>>>>       "max_buckets": 1000,
>>>>       "auid": 0,
>>>>       "subusers": [],
>>>>       "keys": [],
>>>>       "swift_keys": [
>>>>             { "user": "testuser:swf0001",
>>>>               "secret_key":
>>>> "W\/zZ8T09VPFoPKxnVAJocsmNALoPxEYPmjOwytCj"}],
>>>>       "caps": [],
>>>>       "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
>>>>       "default_placement": "",
>>>>       "placement_tags": [],
>>>>       "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>>           "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>>           "max_objects": -1},
>>>>       "user_quota": { "enabled": false,
>>>>           "max_size_kb": -1,
>>>>           "max_objects": -1},
>>>>       "temp_url_keys": []}
>>>>  (4) Fobidden when access radosgw api
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# curl -v -i
>>>>"; -H
>>>> "X-Auth-Key:W\/zZ8T09VPFoPKxnVAJocsmNALoPxEYPmjOwytCj"
>>>>     * About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
>>>>     *   Trying
>>>>     * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
>>>>     > GET /auth HTTP/1.1
>>>>     > User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
>>>>     > Host:
>>>>     > Accept: */*
>>>>     > X-Auth-User:testuser:swf0001
>>>>     > X-Auth-Key:W\/zZ8T09VPFoPKxnVAJocsmNALoPxEYPmjOwytCj
>>>>     >
>>>>     < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
>>>>     HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
>>>>     < Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:00:11 GMT
>>>>     Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:00:11 GMT
>>>>     < Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
>>>>     Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
>>>>     < Accept-Ranges: bytes
>>>>     Accept-Ranges: bytes
>>>>     < Content-Length: 23
>>>>     Content-Length: 23
>>>>     < Content-Type: application/json
>>>>     Content-Type: application/json
>>>>     <
>>>>     * Connection #0 to host left intact
>>>>     {"Code":"AccessDenied"}
>>>> (5) rados gw Log  and my troubleshooting
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.741947 7f84c1ffb700 20 enqueued request
>>>> req=0x1e73040
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.741977 7f84c1ffb700 20 RGWWQ:
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.741990 7f84c1ffb700 20 req: 0x1e73040
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742003 7f84c1ffb700 10 allocated request
>>>> req=0x1eaaa80
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742035 7f84ad7d2700 20 dequeued request
>>>> req=0x1e73040
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742038 7f84ad7d2700 20 RGWWQ: empty
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742142 7f84ad7d2700 20 DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742149 7f84ad7d2700 20 FCGI_ROLE=RESPONDER
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742150 7f84ad7d2700 20 GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742151 7f84ad7d2700 20 HTTP_ACCEPT=*/*
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742152 7f84ad7d2700 20 HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742153 7f84ad7d2700 20 HTTP_HOST=
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742154 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>> HTTP_USER_AGENT=curl/7.29.0
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742155 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742156 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>> HTTP_X_AUTH_USER=testuser:swf0001
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742157 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>> PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742158 7f84ad7d2700 20 QUERY_STRING=
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742159 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742160 7f84ad7d2700 20 REMOTE_PORT=54965
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742161 7f84ad7d2700 20 REQUEST_METHOD=GET
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742162 7f84ad7d2700 20 REQUEST_URI=/auth
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742162 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>> SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/s3gw.fcgi
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742163 7f84ad7d2700 20 SCRIPT_NAME=/auth
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742164 7f84ad7d2700 20 SCRIPT_URI=
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742165 7f84ad7d2700 20 SCRIPT_URL=/auth
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742166 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742166 7f84ad7d2700 20 SERVER_ADMIN=
>>>> onlydeb...@gmail.com
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742167 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742168 7f84ad7d2700 20 SERVER_PORT=80
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742169 7f84ad7d2700 20 SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742170 7f84ad7d2700 20 SERVER_SIGNATURE=
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742170 7f84ad7d2700 20
>>>> SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742172 7f84ad7d2700  1 ====== starting new
>>>> request req=0x1e73040 =====
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742222 7f84ad7d2700  2 req 1:0.000051::GET
>>>> /auth::initializing
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742236 7f84ad7d2700 10 host=
>>>> rgw_dns_name=ceph-radosgw
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742356 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.000184:swift-auth:GET /auth::getting op
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742364 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.000193:swift-auth:GET /auth:swift_auth_get:authorizing
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742371 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.000200:swift-auth:GET /auth:swift_auth_get:reading permissions
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742374 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.000203:swift-auth:GET /auth:swift_auth_get:init op
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742382 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.000211:swift-auth:GET /auth:swift_auth_get:verifying op mask
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742390 7f84ad7d2700 20 required_mask= 0
>>>> user.op_mask=7
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742392 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.000221:swift-auth:GET /auth:swift_auth_get:verifying op permissions
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742395 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.000224:swift-auth:GET /auth:swift_auth_get:verifying op params
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742397 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.000226:swift-auth:GET /auth:swift_auth_get:executing
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742508 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> rctx=0x7f84c402ff40 obj=.users.swift:testuser:swf0001 state=0x7f84c4030118
>>>> s->prefetch_data=0
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.742527 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache get:
>>>> name=.users.swift+testuser:swf0001 : miss
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744140 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache put:
>>>> name=.users.swift+testuser:swf0001
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744168 7f84ad7d2700 10 adding
>>>> .users.swift+testuser:swf0001 to cache LRU end
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744180 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> s->obj_tag was set empty
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744192 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache get:
>>>> name=.users.swift+testuser:swf0001 : type miss (requested=1, cached=6)
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744223 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> rctx=0x7f84c402ff40 obj=.users.swift:testuser:swf0001 state=0x7f84c4030118
>>>> s->prefetch_data=0
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744230 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache get:
>>>> name=.users.swift+testuser:swf0001 : hit
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744234 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> s->obj_tag was set empty
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744241 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> rctx=0x7f84c402ff40 obj=.users.swift:testuser:swf0001 state=0x7f84c4030118
>>>> s->prefetch_data=0
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744244 7f84ad7d2700 20 state for
>>>> obj=.users.swift:testuser:swf0001 is not atomic, not appending atomic test
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.744246 7f84ad7d2700 20 rados->read obj-ofs=0
>>>> read_ofs=0 read_len=524288
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.745424 7f84ad7d2700 20 rados->read r=0
>>>> bl.length=12
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.745450 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache put:
>>>> name=.users.swift+testuser:swf0001
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.745453 7f84ad7d2700 10 moving
>>>> .users.swift+testuser:swf0001 to cache LRU end
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.745487 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> rctx=0x7f84c4023660 obj=.users.uid:testuser state=0x7f84c4030118
>>>> s->prefetch_data=0
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.745494 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache get:
>>>> name=.users.uid+testuser : miss
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746811 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache put:
>>>> name=.users.uid+testuser
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746829 7f84ad7d2700 10 adding
>>>> .users.uid+testuser to cache LRU end
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746835 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> s->obj_tag was set empty
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746843 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache get:
>>>> name=.users.uid+testuser : type miss (requested=1, cached=6)
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746866 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> rctx=0x7f84c4023660 obj=.users.uid:testuser state=0x7f84c4030118
>>>> s->prefetch_data=0
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746872 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache get:
>>>> name=.users.uid+testuser : hit
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746876 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> s->obj_tag was set empty
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746878 7f84ad7d2700 20 get_obj_state:
>>>> rctx=0x7f84c4023660 obj=.users.uid:testuser state=0x7f84c4030118
>>>> s->prefetch_data=0
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746880 7f84ad7d2700 20 state for
>>>> obj=.users.uid:testuser is not atomic, not appending atomic test
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.746882 7f84ad7d2700 20 rados->read obj-ofs=0
>>>> read_ofs=0 read_len=524288
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.748030 7f84ad7d2700 20 rados->read r=0
>>>> bl.length=322
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.748074 7f84ad7d2700 10 cache put:
>>>> name=.users.uid+testuser
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.748078 7f84ad7d2700 10 moving
>>>> .users.uid+testuser to cache LRU end
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.748116 7f84ad7d2700  0 NOTICE:
>>>> RGW_SWIFT_Auth_Get::execute(): bad swift key
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.748216 7f84ad7d2700  2 req
>>>> 1:0.006044:swift-auth:GET /auth:swift_auth_get:http status=403
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.748230 7f84ad7d2700  1 ====== req done
>>>> req=0x1e73040 http_status=403 ======
>>>>     2014-08-11 22:00:11.748239 7f84ad7d2700 20 process_request()
>>>> returned -1
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin --name client.radosgw.gateway
>>>> metadata list user
>>>>     [
>>>>         "johndoe",
>>>>         "testuser"]
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin zone list
>>>>     2014-08-12 01:22:24.881714 7f216777c700  2
>>>> RGWDataChangesLog::ChangesRenewThread: start
>>>>     2014-08-12 01:22:24.899503 7f21723cf780 20 RGWRados::pool_iterate:
>>>> got default.region
>>>>     2014-08-12 01:22:24.899529 7f21723cf780 20 RGWRados::pool_iterate:
>>>> got region_info.default
>>>>     2014-08-12 01:22:24.947162 7f21723cf780 20 RGWRados::pool_iterate:
>>>> got zone_info.default
>>>>     { "zones": [
>>>>             "default"]}
>>>>     root@ceph-radosgw:~# radosgw-admin zone get default
>>>>     { "domain_root": ".rgw",
>>>>       "control_pool": ".rgw.control",
>>>>       "gc_pool": ".rgw.gc",
>>>>       "log_pool": ".log",
>>>>       "intent_log_pool": ".intent-log",
>>>>       "usage_log_pool": ".usage",
>>>>       "user_keys_pool": ".users",
>>>>       "user_email_pool": ".users.email",
>>>>       "user_swift_pool": ".users.swift",
>>>>       "user_uid_pool": ".users.uid",
>>>>       "system_key": { "access_key": "",
>>>>           "secret_key": ""},
>>>>       "placement_pools": [
>>>>             { "key": "default-placement",
>>>>               "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",
>>>>                   "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets",
>>>>                   "data_extra_pool": ".rgw.buckets.extra"}}]}
>>>>  _______________________________________________
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