Hi David,

We haven't written any code for the multiple filesystems feature so
far, but the new "fs new"/"fs rm"/"fs ls" management commands were
designed with this in mind -- currently only supporting one
filesystem, but to allow slotting in the multiple filesystems feature
without too much disruption.  There is some design work to be done as
well, such as how the system should handle standby MDSs (assigning to
a particular filesystem, floating between filesystems, etc).


On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 11:11 AM, David Barker <dave.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cephalopods,
> Browsing the list archives, I know this has come up before, but I thought
> I'd check in for an update.
> I'm in an environment where it would be useful to run a file system per
> department in a single cluster (or at a pinch enforcing some client / fs
> tree security). Has there been much progress recently?
> Many thanks,
> Dave
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