> Hi Erik,
> I have tiering working on a couple test clusters.  It seems to be
> working with Ceph v0.90 when I set:
> ceph osd pool set POOL  hit_set_type bloom
> ceph osd pool set POOL  hit_set_count 1
> ceph osd pool set POOL  hit_set_period 3600
> ceph osd pool set POOL  cache_target_dirty_ratio .5
> ceph osd pool set POOL  cache_target_full_ratio .9
> Eric

Hi Eric,

You say it seems to be working. My setup also seems to be working, in
the sense that the pools can be written to and read from. However the
cache flushing doesn't work as expected.
Do you mean that all objects in your cache are flushed during idle time?


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