No, bucket names in crush map are completely arbitrary. In fact, crush
doesn't really know what a "host" is. It is just a bucket, like "rack"
or "datacenter". But they could be called "cat" and "mouse" just as well.

The only reason to use host names is for human readability.

You can then use crush rules to make sure that for instance two copies
of some object are not on the same "host" or in the same "rack" or not
in the same whatever bucket you like. This way you can define your
failure domains in correspondence with your physical layout.

Kind regards,


On 12/30/2014 10:18 PM, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Dec 2014 04:18:07 PM Erik Logtenberg wrote:
>> As you can see, I have four hosts: ceph-01 ... ceph-04, but eight
>> host entries. This works great.
> you have - host ceph-01 - host ceph-01-ssd
> Don't the host names have to match the real host names?
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