Hi Michael,

Good job! It would be really useful to add in calculations to show the expected distribution and max deviation from the mean.

I'm dredging this up from an old email I sent out a year ago, but if we treat this as a "balls into bins" problem ala Raab & Steger:


I believe we can get a tight bound on the maximally loaded bin where:

- m balls in n bins
- m > n

with the formula:

m/n + sqrt(2m*ln(n)/n)

IE, if we say have 9000 balls spread across 90 bins:

9000/90 + sqrt(2*9000*ln(90)/90) =~ 130

vs 9000/90 = 100 on average

That would allow folks to get a feel for how much deviation they *could* see given different PG/OSD counts. There are techniques that we can use to cheat around this like applying new random seeds during pool creation to throw away particularly bad pool topologies. Unfortunately once the topology changes you are bound by random variation again. Changing OSD weight might help, but with multiple pools the skew may be right for one pool but wrong for another.

On 01/07/2015 04:08 PM, Michael J. Kidd wrote:
Hello all,
   Just a quick heads up that we now have a PG calculator to help
determine the proper PG per pool numbers to achieve a target PG per OSD


Please check it out!  Happy to answer any questions, and always welcome
any feedback on the tool / verbiage, etc...

As an aside, we're also working to update the documentation to reflect
the best practices.  See Ceph.com tracker for this at:

Michael J. Kidd
Sr. Storage Consultant
Inktank Professional Services
  - by Red Hat

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