Hello fellow Cephers,

I am running Ceph Giant on Centos 6.6 and am running into an issue where the 
create_pool() method in the librados python library isn't using ceph.conf's 
pg_num and pgp_num settings during pool creation.

My ceph.conf:
auth_service_required = cephx
filestore_xattr_use_omap = true
auth_client_required = cephx
auth_cluster_required = cephx
mon_host =,
public_network =<>
mon_initial_members = MON05, MON06
fsid = 91eda869-9a34-4f74-8189-7d5fb6952f4a
osd pool default pg num = 256
osd pool default pgp num = 256

In python, using the above ceph.conf, conf_get returns the correct pg_num and I 
am able to create the pool.
[root@DCOS01 lib]# python
>>> import rados
>>> cluster = rados.Rados(conffile='/etc/ceph/ceph.conf')
>>> cluster.conf_get('osd pool default pg num')
>>> cluster.connect()
>>> cluster.create_pool('PE-TEST4')

After the pool is created via the librados python library, I check the pg_num 
of the pool and it's 8; not 256.
[root@DCOS01 lib]# ceph osd pool get PE-TEST4 pg_num
pg_num: 8

Has anyone else run into this issue? Am I missing something? I know I could 
just spawn a subprocess call to the ceph command line utility, but I would like 
to avoid that in the name of a cleaner python integration.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
- Jason

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