On Wed, 25 Mar 2015, Deneau, Tom wrote:
> A couple of client-monitor questions:
> 1) When a client contacts a monitor to get the cluster map, how does it
>    decide which monitor to try to contact?

It picks a random monitor what the information it's seeded with at startup 
(via ceph.conf or the -m command line option).  Once it reaches one mon, 
it gets the MonMap which tells it who all of the mons are.

> 2) Having gotten the cluster map, assuming a client wants to do multiple 
> reads and writes, 
>    does the client have to re-contact the monitor to get the latest cluster 
> map
>    for each operation?

No, the mons are primarily needed for the initial startup/authentication 
step.  They are also queried as a last resort if the client thinks it 
has an out of data osdmap and hasn't gotten one from an OSD, and to 
renew authentication tickets.

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