Hey Patrick, 

Looks like the GMT+8 time for the 1st day is wrong, should be 10:00 pm - 7:30 

-----Original Message-----
From: ceph-devel-ow...@vger.kernel.org 
[mailto:ceph-devel-ow...@vger.kernel.org] On Behalf Of Patrick McGarry
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 11:28 PM
To: Ceph Devel; Ceph-User
Subject: CDS Jewel Wed/Thurs

Hey cephers,

Just a friendly reminder that our Ceph Developer Summit for Jewel planning is 
set to run tomorrow and Thursday. The schedule and dial in information is 
available on the new wiki:


Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


Best Regards,

Patrick McGarry
Director Ceph Community || Red Hat
http://ceph.com  ||  http://community.redhat.com @scuttlemonkey || @ceph
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