
I have created a ceph file system on a cluster running ceph v9.0.1 and have
enable snapshots with the command:

ceph mds set allow_new_snaps true --yes-i-really-mean-it

On the top level of the ceph file system, I can cd into the hidden .snap
directory and I can create new directories with the mkdir command.  I can
cd into the newly created snap directory and can read the files under it.

I cannot delete any snapshots. It reports a Read-only file system when I
use the rm -rf command:

/cephfs/.snap$ sudo rm -rf snap3
rm: cannot remove
Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove
Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove
Read-only file system

I have tried this test with both the kernel driver and the fuse interface.
My ceph file system clients are based on Ubuntu 14.04 using ceph v9.0.1 and
the 4.1.0 Linux kernel.

The exact kernel is:
Linux version 4.1.0-040100-generic (kernel@gomeisa) (gcc version 4.6.3
(Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) ) #201506220235 SMP Mon Jun 22 06:36:19 UTC

ceph -v
ceph version 9.0.1 (997b3f998d565a744bfefaaf34b08b891f8dbf64)

I have also tried to remove .snap sub-directories in a directory 1 below
the mount point, and that failed the same way as shown:

# pwd
# ls
_snap1_1  _snap2_1  _snap3_1  top1snap
# rm -rf top1snap/
rm: cannot remove 'top1snap/10gb.dat': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove 'top1snap/10gb.dat-1': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove 'top1snap/one.txt': Read-only file system

Should this work?


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