You'd need to disable the udev rule as well as the initscript (probably 
somewhere in /lib/udev/)

What I do when I'm restarting the server is:
chmod -x /usr/bin/ceph-osd


> On 07 Aug 2015, at 05:11, Nathan O'Sullivan <> wrote:
> I'm seeing the same sort of issue.
> Any suggestions on how to get Ceph to not start the ceph-osd processes on 
> host boot?  It does not seem to be as simple as just disabling the service
> Regards
> Nathan
> On 15/07/2015 7:15 PM, Jan Schermer wrote:
>> We have the same problems, we need to start the OSDs slowly.
>> The problem seems to be CPU congestion. A booting OSD will use all available 
>> CPU power you give it, and if it doesn’t have enough nasty stuff happens 
>> (this might actually be the manifestation of some kind of problem in our 
>> setup as well).
>> It doesn’t do that always - I was restarting our hosts this weekend and most 
>> of them came up fine with simple “service ceph start”, some just sat there 
>> spinning the CPU and not doing any real world (and the cluster was not very 
>> happy about that).
>> Jan
>>> On 15 Jul 2015, at 10:53, Kostis Fardelas <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> after some trial and error we concluded that if we start the 6 stopped
>>> OSD daemons with a delay of 1 minute, we do not experience slow
>>> requests (threshold is set on 30 sec), althrough there are some ops
>>> that last up to 10s which is already high enough. I assume that if we
>>> spread the delay more, the slow requests will vanish. The possibility
>>> of not having tuned our setup to the most finest detail is not zeroed
>>> out but I wonder if at any way we miss some ceph tuning in terms of
>>> ceph configuration.
>>> We run firefly latest stable version.

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