First, let me advise I'm really a noob with Cephsince I have only read some

I'm now trying to deploy a Ceph cluster for testing purposes. The cluster is
based on 3 (more if necessary) hypervisors running proxmox 3.4.

Before going futher, I have an essential question : is Ceph usable in a case of
multiple sites storage ?

Long story :
My goal is to run hypervisors on 2 datacenters separated by 4ms latency.
Bandwidth is 1Gbps actually but will be upgraded in a near future.

So is it possible to run a an active/active Ceph cluster to get a shared storage
between the two sites. Of course, I'll have to be sure that no machien is
running at the same time on both sites. Hypervisor will be in charge of this.

Is there a mean to ask Ceph to keep at least one copy (or two) in each site and
ask it to make all blocs reads from the nearest location ?
I'm aware that writes would have to be replicated and there's only a synchronous
mode for this.

I've read many documentation and use cases about Ceph and it seems some are
saying it could be used in such replication and others are not. Need of erasure
coding isn't clear too.

Just hoping my english is clear enough to explain my case ;-)

Thanks for your help,
Julien Escario

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