
On Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:25:41 +1000 Lindsay Mathieson wrote:

> I'm adding a node (4 * WD RED 3TB) to our small cluster to bring it up to
> replica 3. 

Can we assume from this node that the your current setup is something like
2 nodes with 4 drives each?

> Given how much headache it has been managing multiple osd's

Any particularities?

> (including disk failures) 
They happen, but given your (assumed) cluster size they should pretty rare.

>on my other nodes, I've decided to put all 4
> disks on the new node in a ZFS RAID 10 config with SSD SLOG & Cache with
> just one OSD running on top of a ZFS filesystem mount.

Well, well, well...

I assume you did read all the past threads about ZFS as backing FS for

Can your current cluster handle a deep scrub during average, peak time
utilization without falling apart and getting unusably slow?

> I only have one SSD available for cache and journaling, would I be better
> off doing one the following?
> Option 1:
> - Journal on the ZFS Filesystem (advantage - simplicity)
COW and journal... not so good, I'd imagine.

> Option 2:
> - Journal on a SSD partition, for a total of 3 (SLOG, Cache, Ceph
> Journal). Advantage - possibly better ceph performance?
> Option 3
> - Something else?

The more OSDs, the better Ceph will perform (up to a point). 

Note that I have similar clusters to avoid dealing with disk failures, but
unless you can afford to upgrade in a timely fashion and paying for what
is effectively a 4 way replication you may want to reconsider your

If your cluster is really that lightly loaded that you can sustain
performance with a reduced number of OSDs, I'd go with RAID1 OSDs and a
replication of 2. 
So that adding the additional node and rebuilding the old ones will
actually only slightly decrease your OSD count (from assumed 8 to 6).

> Also - should I put the monitor on ZFS as well?
leveldb and COW, also probably not so good.

> If this works out, I'll probably migrate the other two nodes  to a
> similar setup.
> thanks,

Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
ch...@gol.com           Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Communications
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