In a little project of mine I plan to start ceph storage with a small
setup and to be able to scale it up later. Perhaps someone can give me
any advice if the following (two nodes with OSDs, third node with
Monitor only):

- 2 Nodes (enough RAM + CPU), 6*3TB Harddisk for OSDs -> 9TB usable
space in case of 3* redundancy, 1 Monitor on each of the nodes
- 1 extra node that has no OSDs but runs a third monitor.
- 10GBit Ethernet as storage backbone

Later I may add more nodes + OSDs to expand the cluster in case more
storage / performance is needed.

Would this work / be stable? Or do I need to spread my OSDs to 3 ceph
nodes (e.g. in order to achive quorum). In case one of the two OSD nodes
fail, would the storage still be accessible?

The setup should be used for RBD/QEMU only, no cephfs or the like.

Any hints are appreciated!

Best Regards,

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