Thanks for your reply,  why not rebuild object-map when object-map feature is 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Dillaman [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 9:20 PM
To: Shu, Xinxin
Cc: ceph-users
Subject: Re: Question about rbd flag(RBD_FLAG_OBJECT_MAP_INVALID)

> Hi Jason dillaman
> Recently I worked on the feature 
> , when I read the code about librbd, I was confused by 
> When I create a rbd with “—image-features = 13 ” , we enable 
> object-map feature without setting RBD_FLAG_OBJECT_MAP_INVALID, then 
> write data to generate an object, the existence of this object can be 
> checked by object_may_exist.
> But when I use “feature enable ${name} object-map” to enable 
> object-map feature of a clone rbd(we cannot specify –image-features 
> option when I clone rbd), and RBD_FLAG_OBJECT_MAP_INVALID flag is set. 
> If I use object_may_exist to check object existence, object_may_exist 
> function return true, which means the object exists.

When you create a new (empty) image with object map enabled from the start, the 
object map is valid since it defaults to all objects don't exist.  If you use 
'rbd feature enable <image-spec> object-map', the object map will be flagged as 
invalid since you may have already written to the object (and thus the object 
map doesn't potentially match reality).  When an object map is flagged as 
invalid, any optimizations for whether the block exists or not are disabled.  

> So there maybe inconsistency with these two methods (--image-features vs.
> feature enable) when we create a rbd. Is this a bug ?
> My question is what does RBD_FLAG_OBJECT_MAP_INVALID flag mean, does 
> it mean the object map of rbd is not valid, we need rebuild the object map?

Yes, you need to rebuild an invalid object map via 'rbd object-map rebuild 
<image-spec | snap-spec>' to clear the RBD_FLAG_OBJECT_MAP_INVALID flag.  The 
rebuild process whether or not each potential object within the RBD image 
exists, and updates the object map accordingly. 


Jason Dillaman 
ceph-users mailing list

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