On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Wido den Hollander <w...@42on.com> wrote:
>>> > Oh, and to answer this part.   I didn't do that much experimentation
>>> > unfortunately.  I actually am using about 24 index shards per bucket
>>> > currently and we delete each bucket once it hits about a million
>>> > objects. (it's just a throwaway cache for us) Seems ok, so i stopped
>>> > tweaking.
>>> >
>>> I have a use case where I need to store 350 Million objects in a single
>>> bucket.
>> How many OSDs are in that cluster?
> 1800 and it will grow towards 2500 in Q1 2016.
>>> I tested with 4096 shards and that works. Creating the bucket takes a
>>> few seconds though.
>> Does "that works" mean that you have actually uploaded 350M objects into
>> that one bucket?
> No, still in progress. The bucket functions, that is what I meant.

Yep. What's your OSD LevelDB size (overall size of the OSD omap directory)?

Do you happen to have rest-bench results created when the cluster was
empty, and if so, what does rest-bench look like after you inject,
say, 100M objects?

>> If so, can you give me a feel for your typical object size?
> It varies. It is a archiving solution and I'm not in control there.

Is there a "typical" size at least by order of magnitude? Kilobytes?
Tens, hundreds of KBs? MBs?

>> Also, what's the performance drop you saw in bucket listing, vs. having
>> fewer shards or no sharding at all?
> There is a drop in listing performance, didn't completely measure it,
> but I think that with 4k shards the listing was a few seconds.

Yeah, that sounds about expected. This would hurt if for some reason
your use case involved having to list the bucket before inserting an

> In this use-case we are not going to list the bucket, ever.

Never say never. :)

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