
Can anyone please tell me what is the right way to do quiesced RBD
snapshots in libvirt (OpenStack)?
My Ceph version is 0.94.3.

I found two possible ways, none of them is working for me. Wonder if
I'm doing something wrong:
1) Do VM fsFreeze through QEMU guest agent, perform RBD snapshot, do
fsThaw. Looks good but the bad thing here is that libvirt uses
exclusive lock on image, which results in errors like that when taking
snapshot: " 7f359d304880 -1 librbd::ImageWatcher: no lock owners
detected". It seems like rbd client is trying to take snapshot on
behalf of exclusive lock owner but is unable to find this owner.
Without an exclusive lock everything is working nice.

2)  Performing QEMU external snapshots with local QCOW2 file being
overlayed on top of RBD image. This seems really interesting but the
bad thing is that there is no way currently to remove this kind of
snapshot because active blockcommit is not currently working for RBD
images (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1189998).

So again my question is: how do you guys take quiesced RBD snapshots in libvirt?
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