Hello Guys

I am getting wired output from osd map. The object does not exists on pool
but osd map still shows its PG and OSD on which its stored.

So i have rbd device coming from pool 'gold' , this image has an object

The below commands verifies this

*[root@ceph-node1 ~]# rados -p gold ls | grep -i
*[root@ceph-node1 ~]#*

This object lives on pool gold and OSD 38,0,20 , which is correct

*[root@ceph-node1 ~]# ceph osd map gold rb.0.10f61.238e1f29.000000002ac5*
*osdmap e1357 pool 'gold' (1) object 'rb.0.10f61.238e1f29.000000002ac5' ->
pg 1.11692600 (1.0) -> up ([38,0,20], p38) acting ([38,0,20], p38)*
*[root@ceph-node1 ~]#*

Since i don't have object 'rb.0.10f61.238e1f29.000000002ac5' in data and
rbd pools , rados ls will not list it. Which is expected.

*[root@ceph-node1 ~]# rados -p data ls | grep -i
*[root@ceph-node1 ~]# rados -p rbd ls | grep -i

But , how come the object is showing in osd map of pool data and rbd.

*[root@ceph-node1 ~]# ceph osd map data rb.0.10f61.238e1f29.000000002ac5*
*osdmap e1357 pool 'data' (2) object 'rb.0.10f61.238e1f29.000000002ac5' ->
pg 2.11692600 (2.0) -> up ([3,51,29], p3) acting ([3,51,29], p3)*
*[root@ceph-node1 ~]#*

*[root@ceph-node1 ~]# ceph osd map rbd rb.0.10f61.238e1f29.000000002ac5*
*osdmap e1357 pool 'rbd' (0) object 'rb.0.10f61.238e1f29.000000002ac5' ->
pg 0.11692600 (0.0) -> up ([41,20,3], p41) acting ([41,20,3], p41)*
*[root@ceph-node1 ~]#*

In ceph, object is unique and belongs to only one pool. So why does it
shows up in all pool's osd map.

Is this some kind of BUG in Ceph

Ceph Hammer 0.94.5
CentOS 7.2
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