Hi all,

According to fio, with 4k block size, the sequence write performance of my
ceph-fuse mount is just about 20+ M/s, only 200 Mb of 1 Gb full duplex NIC
outgoing bandwidth was used for maximum. But for 1M block size the
performance could achieve as high as 1000 M/s, approaching the limit of the
NIC bandwidth. Why the performance stats differs so mush for different
block sizes? Can I configure ceph-fuse mount's block size for maximum

Basic information about the cluster: 20 OSDs on separate PCIe hard disks
distributed across 2 servers, each with write performance about 300 M/s; 5
MONs; 1 MDS. Ceph version 0.94.6 (e832001feaf8c176593e0325c8298e3f16dfb403).

Thanks :)
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