I was experimenting with using bluestore OSDs and appear to have found a fairly 
consistent way to crash them…

Changing the number of copies in a pool down from 3 to 1 has now twice caused 
the mass panic of a whole pool of OSDs. In one case it was a cache tier, in 
another case it was just a pool hosting rbd images. 

From the log file of one of the OSDs:

2016-04-05 12:09:54.272475 7f5a58027700  0 bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-43) 
 error (39) Directory not empty not handled on operation 21 (op 1, counting 
from 0)
2016-04-05 12:09:54.272489 7f5a58027700  0 bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-43) 
 transaction dump:
    "ops": [
            "op_num": 0,
            "op_name": "remove",
            "collection": "2.354_head",
            "oid": "#2:2ac00000::::head#"
            "op_num": 1,
            "op_name": "rmcoll",
            "collection": "2.354_head"

2016-04-05 12:09:54.275114 7f5a58027700 -1 os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: In 
function 'void BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*, 
ObjectStore::Transaction*)' thread 7f5a58027700 time 2016-04-05 12:09:54.272532
os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: 4357: FAILED assert(0 == "unexpected error")

 ceph version 10.1.0 (96ae8bd25f31862dbd5302f304ebf8bf1166aba6)
 1: (ceph::__ceph_assert_fail(char const*, char const*, int, char const*)+0x85) 
 2: (BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*, 
ObjectStore::Transaction*)+0x77a) [0x7f5a82b02eba]
 3: (BlueStore::queue_transactions(ObjectStore::Sequencer*, 
std::vector<ObjectStore::Transaction, std::allocator<ObjectStore::Transaction> 
>&, std::shared_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x3a5) [0x7f5a82b056e5]
 4: (ObjectStore::queue_transactions(ObjectStore::Sequencer*, 
std::vector<ObjectStore::Transaction, std::allocator<ObjectStore::Transaction> 
>&, Context*, Context*, Context*, Context*, std::shared_ptr<TrackedOp>)+0x2a6) 
 5: (OSD::RemoveWQ::_process(std::pair<boost::intrusive_ptr<PG>, 
std::shared_ptr<DeletingState> >, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x6e4) [0x7f5a827debb4]
 6: (ThreadPool::WorkQueueVal<std::pair<boost::intrusive_ptr<PG>, 
std::shared_ptr<DeletingState> >, std::pair<boost::intrusive_ptr<PG>, 
std::shared_ptr<DeletingState> > >::_void_process(void*, 
ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x11a) [0x7f5a8283a15a]
 7: (ThreadPool::worker(ThreadPool::WorkThread*)+0xa7e) [0x7f5a82e65a9e]
 8: (ThreadPool::WorkThread::entry()+0x10) [0x7f5a82e66980]
 9: (()+0x7dc5) [0x7f5a80dbedc5]
 10: (clone()+0x6d) [0x7f5a7f44a28d]

In both cases a replicated pool with 3 copies was created, some content added 
and then the number of copies set down to 1. Not a common thing to do I know, 
but this works on FileStore OSDs.

This is a cluster deployed using redhat 7 Jewel (10.1) RPMs from 


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