I Have a setup using some Intel P3700 devices as a cache tier, and 33 sata 
drives hosting the pool behind them. I setup the cache tier with writeback, 
gave it a size and max object count etc:

 ceph osd pool set target_max_bytes 500000000000
 ceph osd pool set nvme target_max_bytes 500000000000
 ceph osd pool set nvme target_max_objects 500000
 ceph osd pool set nvme cache_target_dirty_ratio 0.5
 ceph osd pool set nvme cache_target_full_ratio 0.8

This is all running Jewel using bluestore OSDs (I know experimental). The cache 
tier will write at about 900 Mbytes/sec and read at 2.2 Gbytes/sec, the sata 
pool can take writes at about 600 Mbytes/sec in aggregate. However, it looks 
like the mechanism for cleaning the cache down to the disk layer is being 
massively rate limited and I see about 47 Mbytes/sec of read activity from each 
SSD while this is going on.

This means that while I could be pushing data into the cache at high speed, It 
cannot evict old content very fast at all, and it is very easy to hit the high 
water mark and the application I/O drops dramatically as it becomes throttled 
by how fast the cache can flush.

I suspect it is operating on a placement group at a time so ends up targeting a 
very limited number of objects and hence disks at any one time. I can see 
individual disk drives going busy for very short periods, but most of them are 
idle at any one point in time. The only way to drive the disk based OSDs fast 
is to hit a lot of them at once which would mean issuing many cache flush 
operations in parallel.

Are there any controls which can influence this behavior?



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