This is a previous thread about journal disk replacement.

I hope this would be helpful for you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Wilderoth" <>
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 1:20:17 PM
Subject: [ceph-users] Replace Journal

I have a ceph cluster and I will change my journal devices to new SSD's . 

In some instructions of doing this they refer to a journal file (link to UUID 
of journal ) 

In my OSD folder this journal don’t exist. 

This instructions is renaming the UUID of new device to the old UUID not to 
break anything. 

i was planning to use the command ceph - osd -- mkjournal and update the ceph . 
conf accordingly. 

Do I need to take care of my missing journal symlink , i think it is a symlink 
Why is it there, and how is it used ?. 

I actually don’t remember the command i used to create the disk but it's some 
years ago and i doubt i used ceph -disk. 

I found the following process in this list, that seemed good. But its still not 
clear to me if i can skip this journal link ? 

set noout 
stop the osds 
flush the journal 
replace journal SSDs 
recreate journal partitions 
update ceph . conf to reflect new journal device names 
recreate the journal (for the existing osds ) 
start the osds 
unset noout 

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