On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 12:41 PM, Sage Weil <sw...@redhat.com> wrote:
> This PR
>         https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/8975
> removes the 'rados cppool' command.  The main problem is that the command
> does not make a faithful copy of all data because it doesn't preserve the
> snapshots (and snapshot related metadata).  That means if you copy an RBD
> pool it will render the images somewhat broken (snaps won't be present and
> won't work properly).  It also doesn't preserve the user_version field
> that some librados users may rely on.
> Since it's obscure and of limited use, this PR just removes it.
> Alternatively, we could add safeguards so that it refuses to make a copy
> if there are any selfmanaged_snaps, and/or generate some warnings.
> Any objections?

I prefer the alternative. I found this command pretty useful for
testing config upgrade scenarios with rgw. After generating config
scenarios in older versions, I used this command to store the config
on another pool, and then I could get the different config whenever

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