On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:28 PM, 한승진 <yongi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cephers,
> I implemented Ceph with OpenStack.
> Recently, I upgrade Ceph server from Hammer to Jewel.
> Also, I plan to upgrade ceph clients that are OpenStack Nodes.
> There are a lot of VMs running in Compute Nodes.
> Should I restart the VMs after upgrade of Compute Nodes?

Once you upgrade if you look in /proc/[PID]/maps you will see the
Ceph libraries marked as "(deleted)" in the output. This means the
version on disk no longer matches what is in memory. So the version in
the running qemu-kvm instances is still the old version until you restart
the process and it loads the new versions of the libraries from disk. There
is a utility, needs-restarting, which may tell you what needs to be restarted
after an upgrade but I have not used it much so can't vouch for its accuracy.


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