Patrick and I had a related question yesterday, are we able to dynamically
vary cache size to artificially manipulate cache pressure?

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 6:07 AM, John Spray <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:29 AM, Xiaoxi Chen <>
> wrote:
> > Hi ,
> >
> >
> >      Here is the slide I shared yesterday on performance meeting.
> > Thanks and hoping for inputs.
> >
> >
> >
> performance-benchmark
> These are definitely useful results and I encourage everyone working
> with cephfs to go and look at Xiaoxi's slides.
> The main thing that this highlighted for me was our lack of testing so
> far on systems with full caches.  Too much of our existing testing is
> done on freshly configured systems that never fill the MDS cache.
> Test 2.1 notes that we don't enable directory fragmentation by default
> currently -- this is an issue, and I'm hoping we can switch it on by
> default in Kraken (see thread "Switching on mds_bal_frag by default").
> In the meantime we have the fix that Patrick wrote for Jewel which at
> least prevents people creating dirfrags too large for the OSDs to
> handle.
> Test 2.2: since a "failing to respond to cache pressure" bug is
> affecting this, I would guess we see the performance fall off at about
> the point where the *client* caches fill up (so they start trimming
> things even though they're ignore cache pressure).  It would be
> interesting to see this chart with addition lines for some related
> perf counters like mds_log.evtrm and mds.inodes_expired, that might
> make it pretty obvious where the MDS is entering different stages that
> see a decrease in the rate of handling client requests.
> We really need to sort out the "failing to respond to cache pressure"
> issues that keep popping up, especially if they're still happening on
> a comparatively simple test that is just creating files.  We have a
> specific test for this[1] that is currently being run against the fuse
> client but not the kernel client[2].  This is a good time to try and
> push that forward so I've kicked off an experimental run here:
> kcephfs:recovery-master-testing-basic-mira/
> In the meantime, although there are reports of similar issues with
> newer kernels, it would be very useful to confirm if the same issue is
> still occurring with more recent kernels.  Issues with cache trimming
> have occurred due to various (separate) bugs, so it's possible that
> while some people are still seeing cache trimming issues with recent
> kernels, the specific case you're hitting might be fixed.
> Test 2.3: restarting the MDS doesn't actually give you a completely
> empty cache (everything in the journal gets replayed to pre-populate
> the cache on MDS startup).  However, the results are still valid
> because you're using a different random order in the non-caching test
> case, and the number of inodes in your journal is probably much
> smaller than the overall cache size so it's only a little bit
> populated.  We don't currently have a "drop cache" command built into
> the MDS but it would be pretty easy to add one for use in testing
> (basically just call mds->mdcache->trim(0)).
> As one would imagine, the non-caching case is latency-dominated when
> the working set is larger than the cache, where each client is waiting
> for one open to finish before proceeding to the next.  The MDS is
> probably capable of handling many more operations per second, but it
> would need more parallel IO operations from the clients.  When a
> single client is doing opens one by one, you're potentially seeing a
> full network+disk latency for each one (though in practice the OSD
> read cache will be helping a lot here).  This non-caching case would
> be the main argument for giving the metadata pool low latency (SSD)
> storage.
> Test 2.5: The observation that the CPU bottleneck makes using fast
> storage for the metadata pool less useful (in sequential/cached cases)
> is valid, although it could still be useful to isolate the metadata
> OSDs (probably SSDs since not so much capacity is needed) to avoid
> competing with data operations.  For random access in the non-caching
> cases (2.3, 2.4) I think you would probably see an improvement from
> SSDs.
> Thanks again to the team from ebay for sharing all this.
> John
> 1.
> cephfs/
> 2.
> >
> > Xiaoxi
> > --
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