
In a test with ceph jewel we tested how long the cluster needs to detect and mark down OSDs after they are killed (with kill -9). The result -> 900 seconds.

In Hammer this took about 20 - 30 seconds.

In the Logfile from the leader monitor are a lot of messeages like
2016-11-30 11:32:20.966567 7f158f5ab700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [DBG] : osd.7 reported failed by osd.272 A deeper look at this. A lot of OSDs reported this exactly one time. In Hammer The OSDs reported a down OSD a few more times.

Finaly there is the following and the osd is marked down.
2016-11-30 11:36:22.633253 7f158fdac700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [INF] : osd.7 marked down after no pg stats for 900.982893seconds

In my ceph.conf I have the following lines in the global section
mon osd min down reporters = 10
mon osd min down reports = 3
mon osd report timeout = 900

It seems the parameter "mon osd min down reports" is removed in jewel but the documentation is not updated -> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/jewel/rados/configuration/mon-osd-interaction/

Can someone tell me how ceph jewel detects down OSDs and mark them down in a appropriated time?

The Cluster:
ceph version 10.2.3 (ecc23778eb545d8dd55e2e4735b53cc93f92e65b)
24 hosts á 60 OSDs -> 1440 OSDs
2 pool with replication factor 4
65536 PGs
5 Mons

Manuel Lausch

Cloud Services

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