Hello all!


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1 up-to-date
Kernel: 4.8.0-42-generic
GCC: 5.4.0 (ubuntu)
Compiler flags: -O2, march=native or broadwell, -j 4
Ceph: 12.0.0, master (from git)
DPDK: 16.11.1 (ubuntu or upstream, not a submodule)

I want to use the DPDK messenger for Ceph, but upstream packages doesn't contain the messenger as option. OK, i can compile Ceph with neccesary flags (-DWITH_DPDK=ON -DCRYPTOPP=ON into extraoptions) and build deb packages (thanks for make-debs script!). I installed DPDK 16.11.1 and -dev from Ubuntu Cloud Archive, build-essential packages, all another packages that need for ceph build and provided crypto++-dev 5.6.1.

To make-debs.sh I added commands for adding flags for dpdk and crypto++ into debian/rules. Then I started make-debs.sh script. But when gcc was trying compile parts linked with DPDK and cryptopp I gets compile error. Logs of compilation from beginning is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24268306/. I uses make-debs.sh.

I tried to compile with upstream DPDK 16.11.1, then used Ceph 12.0.0 instead master branch, but nothing helped.

Why that happening? DPDK 16.11.1 is unsupported or cryptopp from ubuntu is incompatable or both of these reasons? What am I doing wrong? :)

Thanks a lot!

Aynur Shakirov, 27.
Planet Earth, Solar System, Milky Way.

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