Those are both things that people have done and both work.  Neither is
optimal, but both options work fine.  The best option is to definitely just
get a third node now as you aren't going to be getting it for additional
space from it later.  Your usable space between a 2 node size 2 cluster and
a 3 node size 3 cluster is identical.

If getting a third node is not possible, I would recommend a size 2
min_size 2 configuration.  You will block writes if either of your nodes or
any copy of your data is down, but you will not get into an inconsistent
state that can happen with min_size of 1 (and you can always set the
min_size of a pool to 1 on the fly to perform maintenance).  If you go with
the option to use the failure domain of OSDs instead of hosts and have size
3, then a single node going down will block writes into your cluster.  The
only you gain from this is having 3 physical copies of the data until you
get a third node, but a lot of backfilling when you change the crush rule.

A more complex option that I think would be a better solution than your 2
options would be to create 2 hosts in your crush map for each physical host
and split the OSDs in each host evenly between them.  That way you can have
2 copies of data in a given node, but never all 3 copies.  You have your 3
copies of data and guaranteed that not all 3 are on the same host.
Assuming min_size of 2, you will still block writes if you restart either

If modifying the hosts in your crush map doesn't sound daunting, then I
would recommend going that route... For most people that is more complex
than they'd like to go and I would say size 2 min_size 2 would be the way
to go until you get a third node.  #my2cents

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 12:41 PM Maximiliano Venesio <>

> Guys hi.
> I have a Jewel Cluster composed by two storage servers which are
> configured on
> the crush map as different buckets to store data.
> I've to configure two new pools on this cluster with the certainty
> that i'll have to add more servers in a short term.
> Taking into account that the recommended replication size for every
> pool is 3, i'm thinking in two possible scenarios.
> 1) Set the replica size in 2 now, and in the future change the replica
> size to 3 on a running pool.
> Is that possible? Can i have serious issues with the rebalance of the
> pgs, changing the pool size on the fly ?
> 2) Set the replica size to 3, and change the ruleset to replicate by
> OSD instead of HOST now, and in the future change this rule in the
> ruleset to replicate again by host in a running pool.
> Is that possible? Can i have serious issues with the rebalance of the
> pgs, changing the ruleset in a running pool ?
> Which do you think is the best option ?
> Thanks in advanced.
> Maximiliano Venesio
> Chief Cloud Architect | NUBELIU
> E-mail: massimo@nubeliu.comCell: +54 9 11 3770 1853
> <+54%209%2011%203770-1853>
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