I'm a n00b myself, but I'll go on record with my understanding.

On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 3:03 PM Benoit GEORGELIN - yulPa <
benoit.george...@yulpa.io> wrote:

> Hi ceph users,
> Ceph have a very good documentation about technical usage, but there is a
> lot of conceptual things missing (from my point of view)
> It's not easy to understand all at the same time, but yes, little by
> little it's working.
> Here are some questions about ceph , hope someone can take a little time
> to point me where I can find answers :
>  - Backup  :
> Do you backup data from a CEPH cluster or you consider a copy as a backup
> of that file ?
> Let's say I have replica size of 3 . Somehow , my crush map will keep 2
> copy in my main rack and 1 copy to another rack in another datacenter
> Can I consider the third copy as a backup ? What would be your position ?

Replicas are not backups. Just ask GitLab after accidental deletion.
source: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/02/01/gitlab_data_loss/

> - Writing process of ceph object storage using radosgw
> Simple question, but not sure about it.
> The more replica the more slower will be my cluster ? Does CEPH have to
> acknowledge  the number of replica before saying it's good ?
> From what I read, CEPH will write and acknowledge the de primary OSD of
> the pool , So if that the cas, I does not matter how many replica I want
> and how far are situated the others OSD that would work the same.
> Can I chose myseft the primary OSD in my zone 1 ,  have a copy on zone 2
> (same rack) and a third zone 3 in another datacenter that might have some
> latency .

More replicas make slower cluster because it waits for all devices to
acknowledge write before reporting back. source: ?

> - Data persistance / availability
> If crush map is by hosts and I have 3 hosts with replication of 3
> This means , I will have 1 copy on each hosts
> Does it means I can lost 2 hosts and still have my cluster working, at
> least on read mode ? and eventually in write too if i say , osd pool
> default min size = 1

Yes, I think. But best practice is to have at least 5 hosts (N+2) so you
can lose 2 hosts and still keep 3 replicas.

> Thanks for your help.
> -
> BenoƮt G
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