Thanks for the input David. I'm not sold on xenserver per se, but, It is
what we've been using for the past 7 years... Proxmox has been coming up a
lot recently, I guess it is time to give it a look. I like the sound of
directly using librbd.


On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 10:30 AM, David Turner <>

> I don't know if you're sold on Xen and only Xen, but I've been running a 3
> node cluster hyper-converged on a 4 node Proxmox cluster for my home
> projects.  3 of the nodes are running on Proxmox with Ceph OSDs, Mon, and
> MDS daemons.  The fourth node is a much beefier system handling the
> majority of the Virtualization.  This is a system that works pretty much
> right out of the box and utilizes librbd instead of dealing with fuse or
> kernel drivers to access the Ceph disks.  Proxmox also has drivers for
> Gluster built-in if you want to compare to that as well.
> In my setup I have all of my VM's primarily on the 4th dedicated VM host,
> but if it goes down for any reason, the important VM's will distribute
> themselves onto the other Proxmox nodes and then when the primary VM host
> is back up, they will move back.  Migrations between nodes takes less than
> a minute for live migration because it only needs to send over the current
> system state and ram information.
> I would not suggest using Ceph for VM disks on any Hypervisor that does
> not utilize librbd to access the disks as RBDs.  That sort of VM usage is
> just not how Ceph was designed to host VM disks.  I know this doesn't
> answer your question, but I feel like you should have been asking a
> different question.
> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 9:43 PM Nathanial Byrnes <> wrote:
>> Thanks very much for the insights Greg!
>> My most recent suspicion around the resource consumption is that, with my
>> current configuration, xen is provisioning rbd-nbd storage for guests,
>> rather than just using the kernel module like I was last time around. And,
>> (while I'm unsure of how this works) but it seems there is a tapdisk
>> process for each guest on each xenserver along with the rbd-nbd processes.
>> Perhaps due to this use of NBD xenserver is taking a scenic route through
>> userspace that it wasn't before... That said, gluster is attached via fuse
>> ... I apparently need to dig more into how Xen is attaching to Ceph vs
>> gluster....
>>    Anyway, thanks again!
>>    Nate
>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Gregory Farnum <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 11:11 PM Nathanial Byrnes <> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>>    First, some background:
>>>>        I have been running a small (4 compute nodes) xen server cluster
>>>> backed by both a small ceph (4 other nodes with a total of 18x 1-spindle
>>>> osd's) and small gluster cluster (2 nodes each with a 14 spindle RAID
>>>> array). I started with gluster 3-4 years ago, at first using NFS to access
>>>> gluster, then upgraded to gluster FUSE. However, I had been facinated with
>>>> ceph since I first read about it, and probably added ceph as soon as XCP
>>>> released a kernel with RBD support, possibly approaching 2 years ago.
>>>>        With Ceph, since I started out with the kernel RBD, I believe it
>>>> locked me to Bobtail tunables. I connected to XCP via a project that tricks
>>>> XCP into running LVM on the RBDs managing all this through the iSCSI mgmt
>>>> infrastructure somehow... Only recently I've switched to a newer project
>>>> that uses the RBD-NBD mapping instead. This should let me use whatever
>>>> tunables my client SW support AFAIK. I have not yet changed my tunables as
>>>> the data re-org will probably take a day or two (only 1Gb networking...).
>>>>    Over this time period, I've observed that my gluster backed guests
>>>> tend not to consume as much of domain-0's (the Xen VM management host)
>>>> resources as do my Ceph backed guests. To me, this is somewhat intuitive
>>>>  as the ceph client has to do more "thinking" than the gluster client.
>>>> However, It seems to me that the IO performance of the VM guests is well
>>>> outside than the difference in spindle count would suggest. I am open to
>>>> the notion that there are probably quite a few sub-optimal design
>>>> choices/constraints within the environment. However, I haven't the
>>>> resources to conduct all that many experiments and benchmarks.... So, over
>>>> time I've ended up treating ceph as my resilient storage, and gluster as my
>>>> more performant (3x vs 2x replication, and, as mentioned above, my gluster
>>>> guests had quicker guest IO and lower dom-0 load).
>>>>     So, on to my questions:
>>>>    Would setting my tunables to jewel (my present release), or anything
>>>> newer than bobtail (which is what I think I am set to if I read the ceph
>>>> status warning correctly) reduce my dom-0 load and/or improve any aspects
>>>> of the client IO performance?
>>> Unfortunately no. The tunables are entirely about how CRUSH works, and
>>> while it's possible to construct pessimal CRUSH maps that are impossible to
>>> satisfy and take a long time to churn through calculations, it's hard and
>>> you clearly haven't done that here. I think you're just seeing that the
>>> basic CPU cost of a Ceph IO is higher than in Gluster, or else there is
>>> something unusual about the Xen configuration you have here compared to
>>> more common deployments.
>>>>    Will adding nodes to the cluster ceph reduce load on dom-0, and/or
>>>> improve client IO performance (I doubt the former and would expect the
>>>> latter...)?
>>> In general adding nodes will increase parallel throughput (ie, async IO
>>> on one client or the performance of multiple clients), but won't reduce
>>> latencies. It shouldn't have much (any?) impact on client CPU usage (other
>>> than if the client is pushing through more IO, it will use proportionally
>>> more CPU), nor on the CPU usage of existing daemons.
>>>>    So, why did I bring up gluster at all? In an ideal world, I would
>>>> like to have just one storage environment that would satisfy all my
>>>> organizations needs. If forced to choose with the knowledge I have today, I
>>>> would have to select gluster. I am hoping to come up with some actionable
>>>> data points that might help me discover some of my mistakes which might
>>>> explain my experience to date and maybe even help remedy said mistakes. As
>>>> I mentioned earlier, I like ceph, more so than gluster, and would like to
>>>> employ more within my environment. But, given budgetary constraints, I need
>>>> to do what's best for my organization.
>>> Yeah. I'm a little surprised you noticed it in the environment you
>>> described, but there aren't many people running Xen on Ceph so perhaps
>>> there's something odd happening with the setup it has there which I and
>>> others aren't picking up on. :/
>>> Good luck!
>>> -Greg
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