
On 06/27/2017 11:54 PM, Daniel K wrote:

> Is there anywhere that details the various compression settings for
> bluestore backed pools? 
> I can see compression in the list of options when I run ceph osd pool
> set, but can't find anything that details what valid settings are.
> I've tried discovering the options via the command line utilities and
> via google and have failed at both. 

Looks like it's nowhere to be found in the docs at the moment -

A quick scan of the code (mon/MonCommands.h and
compressor/Compressor.cc) revealed the following options for 'osd pool
set': 'compression_mode, compression_algorithm,
compression_required_ratio, compression_max_blob_size, and

For 'mode', allowed values are "force", "aggressive", "passive", "none",
for algorithm, "none", "snappy", "zlib", "zstd", and "lz4".

(thanks to Joao for digging these up)


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