I need a little help with fixing some errors I am having. 

After upgrading from Kraken im getting incorrect values reported on 
placement groups etc. At first I thought it is because I was changing 
the public cluster ip address range and modifying the monmap directly. 
But after deleting and adding a monitor this ceph daemon dump is still 

ceph daemon mon.a perf dump cluster
    "cluster": {
        "num_mon": 3,
        "num_mon_quorum": 3,
        "num_osd": 6,
        "num_osd_up": 6,
        "num_osd_in": 6,
        "osd_epoch": 3842,
        "osd_bytes": 0,
        "osd_bytes_used": 0,
        "osd_bytes_avail": 0,
        "num_pool": 0,
        "num_pg": 0,
        "num_pg_active_clean": 0,
        "num_pg_active": 0,
        "num_pg_peering": 0,
        "num_object": 0,
        "num_object_degraded": 0,
        "num_object_misplaced": 0,
        "num_object_unfound": 0,
        "num_bytes": 0,
        "num_mds_up": 1,
        "num_mds_in": 1,
        "num_mds_failed": 0,
        "mds_epoch": 816

2017-07-10 09:51:54.219167 7f5cb7338700 -1 WARNING: the following 
dangerous and experimental features are enabled: bluestore
    id:     0f1701f5-453a-4a3b-928d-f652a2bbbcb0
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 3 daemons, quorum a,b,c
    mgr: c(active), standbys: a, b
    mds: 1/1/1 up {0=c=up:active}, 1 up:standby
    osd: 6 osds: 6 up, 6 in

    pools:   4 pools, 328 pgs
    objects: 5224k objects, 889 GB
    usage:   2474 GB used, 28264 GB / 30739 GB avail
    pgs:     327 active+clean
             1   active+clean+scrubbing+deep
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