2017-07-12 15:23 GMT+00:00 Aaron Bassett <aaron.bass...@nantomics.com>:
> I have a situation where a client is GET'ing a large key (100GB) from RadosGW 
> and just reading the first few bytes to determine if it's a gzip file or not, 
> and then just moving on without closing the connection. I'm RadosGW then goes 
> on to read the rest of the object out of the cluster, while sending nothing 
> to the client as it's no longer listening. When this client does this to many 
> objects in quick succession, it essentially creates a DOS on my cluster as 
> all my rgws are reading out of the cluster as fast as they can but not 
> sending the data anywhere. This is on an up to date Jewel cluster, using 
> civetweb for the web server.
> I just wanted to reach out and see if anyone else has seen this before I dig 
> in more and try to find more details about where the problem may lay.

I would say your client is broken, if it is only interested in a range
of the object, it should include a corresponding range header with the
GET request.

Though I agree that the behaviour for closed connections could
probably improved, too. See http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/20166 for a
similar issue, something like the opposite of your case.
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