Hello, Ceph users,

I would like to use RADOS as an object storage (I have written about it
to this list a while ago), and I would like to use libradosstriper with C,
as has been suggested to me here.

        My question is - when writing an object, is it possible to
do it so that either the old version as a whole or a new version
as a whole is visible by readers at all times? Also, when creating a new
object, only the fully written new object should be visible.

        Is it possible to do this with libradosstriper?
With POSIX filesystem, one would do write(tmpfile)+fsync()+rename()
to achieve similar results.



| Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at {fi.muni.cz - work | yenya.net - private}> |
| http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/                         GPG: 4096R/A45477D5 |
> That's why this kind of vulnerability is a concern: deploying stuff is  <
> often about collecting an obscene number of .jar files and pushing them <
> up to the application server.                          --pboddie at LWN <
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