On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 02:06:29PM +0100, John Spray wrote:
> > As I wrote in my ticket there is room for improvement in docs on how to
> > do it and with cli/api rejecting "ceph fs new <pool1> <pool2>" with
> > pool1 or pool2 being EC.
> The CLI will indeed reject attempts to use an EC pool for metadata,
> and when an EC pool is used for data it verifies that the EC
> overwrites are enabled.  This is meant to work, you're just ("just"
> being my understatement of the day) hitting an OSD crash as soon as
> you try and use it!
> re. the docs: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/17372 - voila.

Oh, ok, so it *is* supposed to work the way I did it then with the
cephfs base data pool being EC natively. Interesting!
Then I'll just hang around for a patch for the crash then. :)
Thanks for the clarification & see you in the bug report. ;)


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